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Make it happen – carpe diem Individual Well-beingWorkplace Well-being

Make it happen – carpe diem

In today’s busy, pressurized world we can find ourselves with many different demands on our time. As a result of this important things may not get done. We can find ourselves drifting and losing sight of what is important to us. ‘Carpe diem’ – seize the day – is a good principle to guard against that. It can pay huge dividends to step back from time to time, to clarify what matters to use and focus on making happen whatever needs to happen to make sure those important things are given the attention they deserve.  
Dr Neil Thompson
January 31, 2023
Elegant challenging Workplace Well-being

Elegant challenging

When people act or speak in discriminatory ways, bully people or behave disrespectfully towards others, it can be very tempting to ‘have a go’ at them, to give them a piece of your mind. While that reaction is quite understandable, it can be highly problematic. This is because there is a danger that the person who is behaving irresponsibly will see you as the unreasonable one, to see you as the person who is behaving inappropriately. This can just make a difficult situation worse. ‘Elegant’ challenging, by contrast, refers to challenging inappropriate behaviour tactfully and sensitively, so that you are giving the other person no ammunition to fire back at you. Skilfully pointing out why what somebody has said or…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 18, 2023
More is not necessarily better Individual Well-being

More is not necessarily better

In our consumerist society we constantly find ourselves under pressure to earn more, buy more, achieve more. So much these days seems to depend on quantity, with relatively little attention being paid to quality, particularly quality of life. The idea that ‘more is not necessarily better’ is not only something to bear in mind for ourselves and our own well-being, but also for the people we are trying to help or support. While there is much that can be done to help people who are lacking in material resources we should not lose sight of the fact that there should also be ways in which we can help people enrich their lives in other ways
Dr Neil Thompson
December 13, 2022
Don’t reinvent the wheel Individual Well-beingWorkplace Well-being

Don’t reinvent the wheel

We can so easily become so engrossed in our work and under so much pressure that we don’t look more broadly at the situation we are dealing with. This can mean that we can find ourselves reinventing the wheel – that is, not realizing that it is likely that other people will have faced the type of situation we are in now and will have found helpful ways of responding to it. There is much to be learned from finding out how other people tackle their challenges, but we won’t do any of that learning if we don’t take the trouble to try and find out. If we don’t make that effort, we will be doomed to reinvent the wheel…
Dr Neil Thompson
November 8, 2022
Cultivate self-awareness Individual Well-beingWorkplace Well-being

Cultivate self-awareness

Self-awareness is an important basis for reflective practice. It involves being able to tune in to: (i) what effect you are having on the situation; and (ii) what effect the situation is having on you. When we interact with other people, we become part of that dynamic; we shape the situation to a certain extent, and so we will be in a stronger position to influence that situation in a positive direction if we are aware of what effect our presence and contribution are having. It is also helpful to be aware of what effect the situation is having on us: Are we anxious? Are we rushing? Are we tired? All these things can have a significant bearing on how…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 25, 2022
Accept what you can’t change Individual Well-beingWorkplace Well-being

Accept what you can’t change

There are things that we can change directly, things that we can change indirectly (through influence), but there are very many things that we cannot change at all. When we encounter these we basically have two choices: (i) we can learn to accept that we cannot bring about change, make the best of the situation and invest our energies in those things we can change; or (ii) waste a lot of time and energy trying to do the impossible and/or become negative, defeatist or even cynical about the fact that there are certain things we cannot change. Which option we choose will have major consequences for ourselves, our colleagues and the people we are seeking to help. So, make sure…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 11, 2022
Don’t assume you are wrong Individual Well-beingWorkplace Well-being

Don’t assume you are wrong

Some people can be quite dogmatic and stick to their views despite evidence and argument to the contrary, and that of course is not helpful. However, it can also be problematic when some people go to the opposite extreme and simply assume that they are wrong whenever they encounter any resistance or disagreement. What is needed, of course, is a balanced approach. Being dogmatic does not help, but nor does abandoning your views prematurely. Being open minded is essential, but that need to include being open to the possibility that you were right all along.
Dr Neil Thompson
September 27, 2022
Projects are gardens not buildings Individual Well-beingWorkplace Well-being

Projects are gardens not buildings

A common way of thinking about projects is to conceive of them as buildings, something you construct and then have in place to serve you in whatever way the project was intended to. Despite this being a normal way of understanding projects, it is actually a misleading oversimplification. This is because whatever project you work on will not remain static or unchanging. A more accurate and helpful way of understanding projects is to see them as gardens – that is, as things that need to be tended, nurtured, pruned from time to time and not allowed to get overgrown. So, whatever projects you are involved in, you need to ask yourself: am I treating it as a building or as…
Dr Neil Thompson
September 12, 2022
Hear the silence Individual Well-beingWorkplace Well-being

Hear the silence

The importance of listening is well established, but what is often not realized that the most effective for of listening involves paying attention to what someone is not saying, as well as what they are saying. Just as silence is an important part of music, working out what is not being said is a key part of genuinely connecting with people, of forming an effective rapport. To hear what is not being said involves tuning in to the situation, considering the context, the emotions involved, where the conversation is coming from and where it is going. These are quite advanced skills, but they can be developed over time.
Dr Neil Thompson
August 30, 2022