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People | Problems | Potential

Academies are places that focus on learning, and that is precisely what Neil and his colleagues have been doing for many years.

The Academy brings together the work of highly respected author and educator, Dr Neil Thompson. For many years Neil has been helping a wide range of individuals to learn, grow, develop and fulfil their potential. He has also been involved in helping various organisations to get the best out of their staff, to achieve the best results and to demonstrate the benefits of workplace wellbeing and people-centred leadership.

Neil’s approach is based on his Three Ps model. Where there are People, there will be Problems, but there will also be Potential. The Academy is geared towards empowering people by tackling the problems and fulfilling the potential.


Organisational success depends on people but, wonderful fascinating creatures though we are, we do bring our challenges.


It would be naive to think that people can live and work together without ever having problems – they are part of everyday life. But, there is much that can be done to address or at least alleviate them.


Problems bring opportunities, particularly in terms of learning, development and growth. With the right guidance and support, people can be empowered to achieve their full potential.

The Academy is  home to the range of learning resources Neil has to offer:

  • The Avenue Subscription Service – access to over 60 courses for up to 300 staff for just £3,000 + VAT. Also available to individual subscribers at £99 + VAT – less than £2 per course!
  • E-learning courses – To make the most of modern learning technology to support personal and professional development. Available individually or as part of the Avenue Subscription Service.
  • Leading for Success – A sophisticated structured step-by-step programme of learning geared towards developing excellence in team management.
  • System3V – An innovative structured step-by-step learning system geared towards people management based on turning vicious circles into virtuous ones.
  • Learning and development manualsWirebound manuals packed with useful information and exercises to be used as the basis of training courses and other learning events.

We also have:

And not forgetting:

  • The Social Work Finishing SchoolAn online programme designed to help make the transition from student to fully fledged worker. Also a valuable refresher for experienced workers who want to be re-energised.
  • Become a member of the Academy (it’s free!) to be kept up to date with developments and to have access to a growing range of free learning resources exclusive to members.