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Spotlight – The Problem Solver’s Practice Manual

Spotlight – The Problem Solver’s Practice Manual

“Where there are people, there will be problems, but there will also be potential” is a key part of Neil’s work. And that is precisely what this manual is all about – equipping practitioners from various professional disciplines to help people address their problems and realise their potential. Part One provides an extended essay on the nature and significance of problem solving to lay solid foundations of understanding. Part Two then offers guidance on using 101 problem-solving tools that can be used in a wide variety of circumstances. Available from here or Amazon
Dr Neil Thompson
August 2, 2022
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Be prepared for conflict

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Be prepared for conflict

There is a common misperception of conflict. It tends to be assumed that everyday reality is basically harmonious and conflict is an exception – conflict ‘breaks out’ to shatter the normality of harmony. However, we don’t need to pay much close attention to what actually happens to realize that, in fact, conflict is an everyday occurrence. Day-to-day reality is a mixture of harmony and conflict. We learn basic conflict management skills as we grow up, and so we have a good foundation on which to build so that we can take our skills to a more advanced level and become more confident and competent in dealing with those situations in which conflict starts to escalate. Continuing to see conflict as…
Dr Neil Thompson
August 2, 2022
The influence and participation toolkit

The influence and participation toolkit

The Influence and Participation Toolkit has been developed by Mind, but it is recognised as a valuable resource for anyone whose organisation or workplace wants to engage with people with mental health problems in a meaningful way. It is available publicly and anyone can use it. Its aim is to enable you to meaningfully involve people with lived experience in the development of your work and organisation. We encourage you to use the templates and tools here, in this toolkit, as well as creating your own to support your work. Click here to read more 
Dr Neil Thompson
August 2, 2022
Confronting injustice: Racism and the environmental emergency

Confronting injustice: Racism and the environmental emergency

People of colour across the globe bear the brunt of an environmental emergency that, for the most part, they did not create. Yet their struggles have repeatedly been ignored by those in positions of power. Global governance systems, including international climate negotiations, have for decades failed to act to protect the lives of people of colour. To truly tackle the huge, converging crises and injustices we face, it has never been more important to understand the links between the environmental emergency and systemic racism. ‍Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
August 2, 2022
Bereavement and the workplace – Digital conference 28/9/22

Bereavement and the workplace – Digital conference 28/9/22

Bereavement can have a devastating impact upon an individual. Living with the loss of a partner, close friend or family member can take a significant toll on an individual’s mental health. Join Acas and guest speakers as we look at bereavement, its impact, how people managers can support employees, the law around leave and expectations of workplaces. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
August 2, 2022
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Define the problem

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Define the problem

Are you looking for a solution without really knowing what the problem is? Very often we can find ourselves in a pressurized situation where there is a strong sense that ‘something must be done’. If we are not careful that pressure can lead us to trying out solutions without really knowing what the problem is. Sometimes we will get lucky and we will be able to resolve the situation purely by chance, in the sense that our ill-defined ‘solutions’ just happen to address our ill-defined problems. However, what is much more likely is that we will make little progress by being so unfocused and may, at times, actually make the situation worse. So, it’s important that we spend some time…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 19, 2022
Broken ladders: The myth of meritocracy for women of colour in the workplace

Broken ladders: The myth of meritocracy for women of colour in the workplace

Women of colour across the UK already know that experiencing racism at work is the norm. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Runnymede Trust to produce our ground-breaking research, Broken Ladders: The myth of meritocracy for women of colour in the workplace. Broken Ladders centres the voices and experiences of thousands of women of colour at work and explores the different experiences of women from different ethnic minority groups and religions. Our research shows that every stage of the career journey, from entering work to senior leadership, women of colour are being locked out of reaching their true potential. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
July 19, 2022
4 Mental health myths that are harming your workforce (and what to do differently)

4 Mental health myths that are harming your workforce (and what to do differently)

Let’s start with the number one myth that impacts most organisations sooner or later: Mental health isn’t a problem for my workforce. Also known as everything is fine, nothing to see here. Unfortunately, the recent data on mental health indicates otherwise: Significant mental health issues affect 1 in 4 people in the UK annually—nearly 17 million people in 2022 alone. A recent study by Surgo Ventures of 17,000 people across the UK puts that number even higher, at 1 in 2—that means that half the people you know could be affected by a mental health concern. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
July 19, 2022