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Spotlight – The Values-based Practice Manual

Spotlight – The Values-based Practice Manual

Values are at the heart of best practice. This important manual offers a successful blend of theoretical understanding with very helpful practice guidance to enable readers to make sense of the complex but vitally important issues. This is an ideal resource for anyone involved in types of work where success depends on effective engagement with people. Available from or Amazon
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2024
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Silence does not equal consent

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Silence does not equal consent

This is a mistake I made many times early in my career: making a suggestion or proposal, having no one object to it and then assuming that the lack of explicit objection constituted agreement to what I had put forward. I then had the unpleasant experience of watching my plans fall apart as people did not cooperate with them or play their part in moving things forward – or even, on some occasions, actively sabotaged what I was trying to do. It only slowly became apparent to me that they were never really ‘on board’ in terms of what I had proposed but, for whatever reason, had chosen not to voice their disagreement. So, there is a very important lesson…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2024
Dear Stephen: Race and belonging 30 years on

Dear Stephen: Race and belonging 30 years on

Racism is often a matter of life and death. This was never more true than for Stephen Lawrence, a bright young man who dreamed of becoming an architect. Stephen was murdered by racist strangers as he made his way home with a friend in South East London, 30 years ago. The fight for justice that followed, led by Stephen’s grieving parents, has brought us all to know Stephen’s name, and carry forward his legacy. Stephen’s murder changed the country, and was core to progressing racial equality in the UK. This report, produced in partnership by the Runnymede Trust and Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation, is intended as a small contribution to mark this difficult anniversary and assess just how far we…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2024
Public sector morale is in decline

Public sector morale is in decline

Public services in the UK are not in great shape. According to the latest CIPFA/Institute for Government Performance Tracker, every single major public service is performing worse than before the pandemic. This is despite government manifesto commitments to recruit more ‘front-line’ workers such as doctors, nurses and police officers. Cost-cutting and problems with staff retention mean that the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) data show that public service productivity is still slightly below its pre-pandemic level. Earlier this year, the UK Chancellor announced an initiative to improve public sector productivity. Without improvement, current spending plans mean performance will get even worse. According to the Institute for Government, one of the causes of these retention problems is declining staff morale.…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2024
Dementia virtual reality experience – Age UK

Dementia virtual reality experience – Age UK

As part of our dementia awareness training, we offer an innovative and thought-provoking virtual reality dementia experience. Our state of the art VR headsets enable you to explore our virtual residential home and domestic kitchen environments to gain further empathy and understanding of the daily challenges people living with dementia can experience. The immersive experience includes a filter to replicate reduced vision which is a common symptom of dementia. We also highlight how more considered design choices can provide a better quality of life for those living with dementia. Working with our partner VR-EP, we have developed an exciting shared VR session where you will be in virtual environments at the same time as other colleagues Click here to read…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2024
Spotlight – The Spirituality and Religion Practice Manual

Spotlight – The Spirituality and Religion Practice Manual

Spirituality, whether or not rooted in religion, is a core feature of what it means to be human. In this important practice manual, two very experienced writers and educators explain  why spirituality and religion should be a fundamental consideration for the people professions, broadly defined – that is, professions based on helping people tackle their problems and fulfil their potential. Available from or Amazon
Dr Neil Thompson
December 13, 2023
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Who is being awkward?

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Who is being awkward?

It is not uncommon for us to find ourselves in situations where we are wondering: ‘Why is so and so being so awkward?’. In such circumstances we tend to focus on their behaviour or attitude, but this can be misleading. That is because the chances are that, while we are thinking they are being awkward, they are probably thinking we are being awkward. So, what can often happen is that a situation that is rooted in a conflict between two parties is not recognized as such by either of them, each putting the difficulties down to the other’s ‘awkward’ behaviour. While some people are often uncooperative for their own reasons, in the majority of cases believing that someone is being awkward should alert us…
Dr Neil Thompson
December 13, 2023
Christmas and mental health

Christmas and mental health

There are lots of reasons that someone in your life might find Christmas difficult. They might worry that they're a burden, or feel like they can't participate. Or they might have mental health problems that make some parts of Christmas more difficult. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
December 13, 2023
How effective are climate protests at swaying policy?

How effective are climate protests at swaying policy?

As yet another United Nations climate summit approaches in the shape of COP28, which kicks off in Dubai this week, signs of public exasperation with the failure of climate policymaking are plain to see. After three decades of negotiations, greenhouse-gas emissions are still rising and time is running out to stop global heating from reaching catastrophic levels. In response, people around the world are trying to work out how best to get their voices heard. September, for example, saw protests across more than 65 countries. Demonstrators demanded “less talk, more action” outside the first Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya — a nation where climate change has already exacerbated insecurities in water and food supplies. In Libya, where flooding killed thousands of people…
Dr Neil Thompson
December 13, 2023