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Love trumps hate: Five ways teachers can build solidarity and inclusion

How can teachers make classrooms places of inclusion and belonging? That’s the question we should ask in light of Trump’s victory, which has legitimised misogyny, Islamophobia and racism, and the rise in hate crime in the UK following the EU referendum.

We work with young women of colour from low-income backgrounds, many of whom are Muslim. In recent months, our participants have spoken about the growing fear they feel as a consequence of the current political rhetoric, and the hate crimes that have followed.

Young people must have an education that enables them to stand up for justice, to act in solidarity with their peers, and to lead change. But under the strain of ever-growing workloads and emotional exhaustion, it seems impossible for teachers to address the fears students may have about their place in society, or to challenge the hateful narrative that unconsciously seeps into classrooms. Teachers and students need the tools to create a better world.

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