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It’s not about the money: 3 Ways to impact happiness at work

It’s no secret that the volatile and unstable climate we face in business today takes its toll on our employees. According to a recent study, a full 42% of employees feel disengaged at work, costing U.S. businesses nearly $350 billion dollars a year. What’s perhaps even more surprising is what’s at the root of this: Feeling undervalued is actually the leading cause of stress in the workplace, and one of the top causes of turnover and low engagement.

The good news: Recognizing your people’s work and input is a simple antidote to feeling undervalued, and what’s more, it is easy and inexpensive to implement. It will leave your employees feeling strong, resilient, and engaged — helping to buck the trends of skyrocketing turnover rates, productivity impairment and morale issues.

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