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How to lead a healthier, happier workforce

Employee wellness isn’t simple, and it’s not a one-step process. Employee wellness is complicated because of all the factors that contribute to health and wellness. While providing fresh fruit in place of donuts for a morning team meeting is a step in the right direction, it doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of employee wellness.

Wellness programs need to consider the full continuum of mental, emotional and physical elements of an employee to improve corporate wellness initiatives. Supporting holistic well-being of employees takes into account the diverse wellness needs of employees, rather than just focusing on physical health. It’s essential for employers to recognize that all aspects of wellness are related and influence one another. For example, an employee who eats healthily and works out regularly might still be performing poorly at work due to high workplace stress — despite eating well and exercising.

Combining all aspects of well-being is an effective strategy to improve employees’ overall quality of life, job satisfaction, happiness, engagement and work performance.

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