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CIPD publishes ‘Manifesto for Work’ ahead of General Election

The CIPD have … launched their ‘Manifesto for Work’, which urges the next Government to put ‘good work’ at the heart of its thinking in order to improve the economy, boost individual welfare and prosperity – creating the conditions for good work in organisations across the country.

The manifesto contains a package of reforms including pay ratios, more rights for zero-hours workers and increased investment in skills and training, which aim to address the systemic problems in the UK economy by focusing on the positive influence the world of work can have on productivity and wellbeing.
Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development said: “The world of work and the notion of ‘good work’ must be at the heart of the next government’s thinking in order to improve trust in business, accelerate economic growth and improve outcomes for Britain’s workforce.

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