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Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Define the problem

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Define the problem

Are you looking for a solution without really knowing what the problem is? Very often we can find ourselves in a pressurized situation where there is a strong sense that ‘something must be done’. If we are not careful that pressure can lead us to trying out solutions without really knowing what the problem is. Sometimes we will get lucky and we will be able to resolve the situation purely by chance, in the sense that our ill-defined ‘solutions’ just happen to address our ill-defined problems. However, what is much more likely is that we will make little progress by being so unfocused and may, at times, actually make the situation worse. So, it’s important that we spend some time…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 19, 2022
Broken ladders: The myth of meritocracy for women of colour in the workplace

Broken ladders: The myth of meritocracy for women of colour in the workplace

Women of colour across the UK already know that experiencing racism at work is the norm. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Runnymede Trust to produce our ground-breaking research, Broken Ladders: The myth of meritocracy for women of colour in the workplace. Broken Ladders centres the voices and experiences of thousands of women of colour at work and explores the different experiences of women from different ethnic minority groups and religions. Our research shows that every stage of the career journey, from entering work to senior leadership, women of colour are being locked out of reaching their true potential. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
July 19, 2022
4 Mental health myths that are harming your workforce (and what to do differently)

4 Mental health myths that are harming your workforce (and what to do differently)

Let’s start with the number one myth that impacts most organisations sooner or later: Mental health isn’t a problem for my workforce. Also known as everything is fine, nothing to see here. Unfortunately, the recent data on mental health indicates otherwise: Significant mental health issues affect 1 in 4 people in the UK annually—nearly 17 million people in 2022 alone. A recent study by Surgo Ventures of 17,000 people across the UK puts that number even higher, at 1 in 2—that means that half the people you know could be affected by a mental health concern. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
July 19, 2022
Prioritizing employee wellness: How to foster employee health and well-being at work

Prioritizing employee wellness: How to foster employee health and well-being at work

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that health and well-being should be at the forefront of our personal and working lives. Researchers define well-being as a positive state in life where an individual experiences physical, mental, and social zeal (Roscoe, 2009). This definition includes not only the absence of illness but also a positive state in work and life. As researchers working on employee health and wellness, we advocate that wellness is a necessity in life, not a luxury. Wellness may seem like an individual concern at first glance; however, researchers argue for the connection between well-being and work outcomes. Poor well-being affects individuals at work, resulting in lower productivity, more time off from work, and making…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 19, 2022