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The Academy offers a range of online learning opportunities based on the work of Neil and trusted colleagues.

The Avenue Subscription Service

Neil and his colleagues have produced 60 online courses that are now available on an annual subscription basis. There are two versions:


Access to all 60 courses for up to 300 staff for just £3,000 + VAT.


Personal subscriptions are available at £99 _ VAT which works out at less than £2 per course!

Online Learning Systems

A learning system is more than a course, it is a structured step-by-step process of learning where you are in the driving seat of taking your learning and development forward.

We currently have four learning systems available:

Leading for Success

This is a six-month structured programme of learning designed to equip you to achieve excellence in managing and leading a team.

NB this programme can form the basis of a Chartered Management Institute qualification at Level 5.

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This is an innovative six-month structured programme of learning designed to equip you to develop your people management and strategic leadership skills to an advanced level by learning how to convert workplace vicious circles into virtuous ones.

NB this programme can form the basis of a Chartered Management Institute qualification at Level 7.

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Becoming the Best You!

Simplistic and superficial approaches to personal development and personal effectiveness are not difficult to find. This more substantial in-depth approach offers a much fuller and more effective basis for maximising your learning and development and producing the best results in terms of personal effectiveness. Available in both conventional video and immersive virtual reality formats.

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All the World’s a STAGE

Based on Neil’s STAGE framework, this innovative self-help approach to mental health and wellbeing is based on principles of therapeutic education – that is, not a form of therapy, but an educational approach that has therapeutic benefits from the helpful insights gained. STAGE stands for:

Stress | Trauma | Anxiety and Depression | Grief | Emotional challenges

Available in both conventional video and immersive virtual reality formats.

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The Social Work Finishing School

An ideal programme of study for final-year students, newly qualified workers or experienced practitioners and managers wanting to revisit their roots as a refresher.

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The Avenue Care Academy

Neil has been working with an award-winning videographer to produce virtual reality-based training for care home staff and managers. Each course comprises a set of short, focused lessons that can be fitted in around other tasks and duties for busy people.

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