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Social Work in 42 Objects (and more)

Can the story of social work be told through Objects? Might a collection of objects be more illuminating than a formal text book or a dry definition?  In this engaging, photographic book, Mark Doel curates a collection of 127 objects contributed by people from around the globe to evoke a sense of social work – past, present and future.

Written as a Guide to an Exhibition of Social Work, this is the ideal book to introduce social work to newcomers, and to entertain those with long experience of the profession. The objects are presented by a diverse group of people with different perspectives on social work, but with a common imagination.

The objects in this book are a gift to social work from all those who have proposed them. This book is also a gift: when you buy it, be aware that profits from sales will go to NGO TARA Homes for Children in Delhi, India, to support work with street children.

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