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Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Reframing negatives as positives

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Reframing negatives as positives

Every cloud has a silver lining may well be a cliché, but that does not mean that the idea does not contain more than an element of truth. Of course, it would be an exaggeration to argue that every negative (cloud) has within it a positive (a silver lining) of some description, but it is certainly the case that negative events will often also bring some degree of positivity. In a sense, this is a reflection of the complexity of life. There is a very common tendency to want to simplify things as much as possible, and that often leads to an oversimplification, a distortion of reality – a situation has to be either good or bad; it can’t be a mixture…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 25, 2018
Loneliness and older people from BME groups

Loneliness and older people from BME groups

If we’re to understand the causes of loneliness among older people, we have to challenge misconceptions and stereotypes. When it comes to older people from black and minority ethnic (BME) groups, there’s often an assumption they live in ‘traditional’ family structures, with young relations looking after or living with older generations. Though there is some truth in this, the fact remains that for many older BME people, life in later age can be a lonely experience. Research indicates a problem of ‘hidden loneliness’ among older BME people – because even when you live in a busy household, it’s possible to feel alone... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 25, 2018
Seth Godin’s blog – Stuck on what’s next

Seth Godin’s blog – Stuck on what’s next

When confronted with too many good options, it's easy to get paralyzed. The complaint is that we don't know what to do next, because we're pulled in many good directions--and doing one thing with focus means not doing something else. This is a common way to get stuck. After all, if you're at this crossroads, where more consideration means more possibility, while more action merely means walking away from a potentially better choice, it's easy to settle for the apparently safe path, which is more study. No one can blame you for careful consideration. More careful consideration seems to insulate you from the criticism that follows taking action. But getting stuck helps no one... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 25, 2018
500 shared sites needed to end ‘age apartheid’, think tank says

500 shared sites needed to end ‘age apartheid’, think tank says

A think tank has called for the creation of hundreds of shared sites across the country designed to bring young and old people together and end Britain’s ‘age apartheid’. A new report from United for All Ages insists 500 shared sites must be created by 2022 in order to overcome the age divide that was revealed in the Brexit vote and the 2017 election. The 2016 vote to leave the European Union (EU) revealed a clear divide between young and old. An estimated 73% of 18-24 year olds voted to remain in the union while 60% of those who were 65 and older voted to leave. Click here to read more  
Dr Neil Thompson
January 25, 2018
Obituary: Colin Richardson

Obituary: Colin Richardson

I first met Colin in 1984. I had submitted a proposal for a part-time PhD to Keele University and I had been invited to meet with Colin, who was then head of social work at the University, to discuss it. I have never believed in the romantic notion of love at first sight, but this was certainly love at first discussion. He was so intelligent and thoughtful, so well-informed and erudite, but – most importantly – so enthusiastic. It was so stimulating and so energising to be with him – then, and every other time I met him. I drove home thinking ‘I am going to love working with this wonderful man’ and I was right. And that was what…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2018
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Listen

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Listen

On the many occasions I have run managing conflict training courses I have emphasized the importance of listening. This is for two reasons. First, listening is a very good way of defusing conflict. Paying attention to what somebody’s concerns are can help to calm a situation down and avoid any unpleasantness. Second, not being listened to is what will often lead people into conflict situations in the first place. Consider consumer complaints, for example. People will often pay for a product or service, then find they are not happy with it and want the matter sorted, but they do not feel the need to make a complaint. But, when their efforts to get their problem with the product or service…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2018
The Housing First approach to homelessness

The Housing First approach to homelessness

What do you think would happen if you invited an individual with mental health issues who had been homeless for many years to move directly from the street into housing? Loyd Pendleton shares how he went from skeptic to believer in the Housing First approach to homelessness -- providing the displaced with short-term assistance to find permanent housing quickly and without conditions -- and how it led to a 91 percent reduction in chronic homelessness over a ten-year period in Utah. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2018
5 Age stereotypes workplaces need to eradicate

5 Age stereotypes workplaces need to eradicate

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) just turned 50—but age stereotypes in the workplace abound. Experts say that organizations need to move beyond outdated labels and embrace the value that older workers bring to the table. "Our culture fears aging," said Cathy Ventrell-Monsees, senior advisor with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in Washington, D.C. She was speaking on a panel at the American Bar Association's recent 11th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference. Ventrell-Monsees identified five major assumptions about older workers that need to be removed from workplace ideology. These stereotypes are easy to identify because they are so commonly accepted, but research refutes all of them, she noted. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 11, 2018