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Ending prejudice in care: ‘As we go grey we don’t become less gay’

Ending prejudice in care: ‘As we go grey we don’t become less gay’

Ramses Underhill-Smith set up Alternative Care Services, which provides home care support to LGBTIQ+ adults in London, after a friend contracted HIV. “He was living in New York and when the carers discovered he had HIV they refused to touch him. He was really distressed and I decided I wanted to do something about it. It made me think: What will happen to me when I get older?” says Underhill-Smith, who is transgender. What occurred to Underhill-Smith’s friend is not confined to the US. Underhill-Smith cites examples of homophobic behaviour he has come across in the UK: in one case, a man who was being looked after by nuns found they would only wash him with a mop when they…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 5, 2018
Workplace violence evolving

Workplace violence evolving

Glenn French wanted to know the truth. After hearing countless employers saying, “We don’t have that problem here,” he decided to canvass every trade union and labour organization in Canada. He wanted to know if violence in the workplace was an issue.  In the mid 1990s, he mailed surveys to hundreds of unions, from the fishermen in the west to the loggers in the east, and he was overwhelmed with responses. “I was inundated with the answers to the questions that I sent, but people began to send me information that I didn’t request, such as security reports, occupational heath and safety statistics, near misses, their opinions, their surveys and it was quite impressive,” says French. “Clearly it was an…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 5, 2018
There’s more to life than being happy

There’s more to life than being happy

Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but what if there's a more fulfilling path? Happiness comes and goes, says writer Emily Esfahani Smith, but having meaning in life -- serving something beyond yourself and developing the best within you -- gives you something to hold onto. Learn more about the difference between being happy and having meaning as Smith offers four pillars of a meaningful life. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
July 5, 2018
Mental models: How to train your brain to think in new ways

Mental models: How to train your brain to think in new ways

You can train your brain to think better. One of the best ways to do this is to expand the set of mental models you use to think. Let me explain what I mean by sharing a story about a world-class thinker. I first discovered what a mental model was and how useful the right one could be while I was reading a story about Richard Feynman, the famous physicist. Feynman received his undergraduate degree from MIT and his Ph.D. from Princeton. During that time, he developed a reputation for waltzing into the math department and solving problems that the brilliant Ph.D. students couldn’t solve ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
July 5, 2018
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Define your own rules of success

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Define your own rules of success

In the days before we had rules, the strong and powerful could do what they wished and the not so strong and not so powerful could do little about it. This left little scope for fairness, equality, dignity and other such key values. While some people rail against rules and see them as an unnecessary restriction on human freedom, a civilised social order would not be possible without some set of rules that the vast majority of people are prepared to abide by. In a democratic society, the rules are based largely on the law and the legal system surrounding it, with official sanctions in place for those who transgress those rules. So, while such rules can be a problem…
Dr Neil Thompson
June 14, 2018
‘A&E is no place for a crisis’: Bradford leads the way in mental health care

‘A&E is no place for a crisis’: Bradford leads the way in mental health care

One consequence of the closure of so many mental hospitals since the 1960s has been the increase in the number of people being sent far from their homes when they have needed a bed to receive treatment. However, a scheme in Bradford is showing that you can stop such out-of-area placements altogether by strengthening community-based care and support. “You can live in Lancashire and have to go to Cornwall for a hospital bed,” says Chris Dixon, clinical manager of the First Response crisis scheme. “It’s hugely detrimental to people’s mental health because it’s harder to recover when you are hundreds of miles from home and don’t have family and friends around you.” ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
June 14, 2018
Untold stories from the Grenfell Wall

Untold stories from the Grenfell Wall

The Grenfell Wall sprang up overnight. Within hours, hundreds of people had left messages of sympathy and support. Relatives of those missing brought favourite items, teddies and photos. Missing posters were plastered everywhere, bearing the faces of those still unaccounted for and telephone numbers for anyone who might have information. The wall is still there today in the shadow of the tower. It provides a glimpse into the terrors that unfolded on 14 June 2017. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
June 14, 2018
Seth Godin’s blog – Stretching without support

Seth Godin’s blog – Stretching without support

One of the fundamental equations of our self-narrative is: If I only had more support, I could accomplish even more. Part of this is true. With more education, a stronger foundation, better cultural expectations, each of us is likely to contribute even more, to level up, to make a difference. The part that's not true: "If only." It turns out that every day, some people shatter our expectations. They build more than they have any right to, show up despite a lack of lucky breaks or a cheering section. Every day, some people stretch further ... Click here to read more  
Dr Neil Thompson
June 14, 2018
Integration strategy must focus on tackling poverty for BME families

Integration strategy must focus on tackling poverty for BME families

Someone from a black and minority ethnic background is twice as likely to experience poverty as someone from a white background in the UK. The Government’s developing Integration Strategy is an opportunity to right this wrong, but it currently neglects vital aspects of how to tackle poverty for people from different ethnic backgrounds – specifically how low pay and a lack of progression opportunities trap people in poverty. Poverty creates tensions within disadvantaged communities. In times of austerity, when access to scarce resource is restricted, perceived competition among people in an area for employment, services and support can widen divisions along ethnic, religious and migration status lines. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
June 14, 2018