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Why #EverydayInequality?

Why #EverydayInequality?

Over the past decade, the narrative around inequality has changed dramatically. Inequality is now widely accepted as one of the – if not the – biggest issue of the 21st century. Think tanks and charities produce endless research and reports on inequality and its effects, but real people’s voices and stories of inequality specifically are not well evidenced in this work. There is currently no platform or forum providing information or access to the lived experience of inequality or its everyday impacts in the UK, especially not in an accessible way. There is also a general lack of shared knowledge about what it is like to experience inequality everyday, what that includes and how its specificities range across different contexts. We think…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 10, 2020
Britain is one of world’s most age-segregated countries, study finds

Britain is one of world’s most age-segregated countries, study finds

Britain is one of the most age-segregated countries in the world with divisions between generations increasing over the last decade, according to a report. The report by United for All Ages, a social enterprise that works to bring together old and young, calls for urgent action to end what it calls the “age apartheid” dividing the country. It says people often have little contact with other generations outside their own families. Divisions have grown, it says, partly as a result of housing market trends, with wealth concentrated among older generations who tend to live in towns and rural areas while younger people gravitate towards cities. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 10, 2020
Menopause at work

Menopause at work

he menopause is a natural stage of life for women, usually in their late forties/early fifties. It can also happen earlier or later. For many women symptoms last about four years, but in some cases can last longer - up to 12 years. Part of the process includes what is termed the 'perimenopause' when a woman's body is starting to change in the build up to the menopause. The perimenopause usually starts in the mid-forties, but can start earlier or later and last several years. The perimenopause is not the same as an early menopause. Perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms already affect a substantial number of workers. That number is expected to grow considerably, with more older workers forecast to stay…
Dr Neil Thompson
January 10, 2020
Lessons for Living – 101 Tips for Optimal Well-being at Work and Beyond

Lessons for Living – 101 Tips for Optimal Well-being at Work and Beyond

This book, by highly respected author, educator and adviser, Neil Thompson, offers a much more grounded approach to the complex issues involved. Part One provides a clear and helpful overview of key issues relating to promoting well-being – our own and other people’s, while Part Two offers 101 practical tips. This book will be ideal for anyone wanting to make a positive difference, whether in the caring professions, in a management or human resources context or just in their own personal lives.This is not a book that gives you instructions. The main aim is to give you food for thought, to support you in thinking through a number or key issues, warning you of pitfalls to avoid and helping you…
Dr Neil Thompson
December 12, 2019
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Everyone has 24 hours in their day

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Everyone has 24 hours in their day

‘I don’t have enough time’ is a commonly heard claim in busy workplaces, and there is certainly a great deal of evidence to show that time pressures are very significant for a high proportion of people these days. However, what we have to recognize is that everybody has the same amount of time – 24 hours in each day, seven days in each week and so on. It is not the amount of time available that distinguishes some people from others in terms of work pressures; rather, it is what we try to do with that time. If we try to do too much, we can end up spreading ourselves too thinly and end up being far less productive than…
Dr Neil Thompson
December 12, 2019
How to help people with dementia: A guide for customer-facing staff

How to help people with dementia: A guide for customer-facing staff

By recognising symptoms and demonstrating understanding to someone who may be having problems, you can help improve the everyday lives of people living with dementia. This booklet gives an introduction to dementia and how it can affect people. Easy-to-follow tips outline the important elements of communication and the guide also explains how other physical, environmental and sensory factors can cause difficulties, and suggestions of how to reduce their impact. You can download a guide for customer-facing staff, or go to our online shop to order printed copies for your organisation. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
December 12, 2019
Grieving the loss of a work identity

Grieving the loss of a work identity

A recent conversation with a 67-year-old friend who found herself unexpectedly retired by a job elimination brought home a grief we often fail to acknowledge: the loss of our work friends. “I used to talk to these people several times a day,” my friend said. “Now, I don’t talk to them at all.” When I asked if she’d considered reaching out to say hello, she shrugged. “I don’t see the point. We don’t really have anything to talk about anymore,” she replied. The combination of losses — her job, her work friends, her daily flow of conversation — was doing a number on my friend’s head. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
December 12, 2019
Coming together to fight inequality

Coming together to fight inequality

Experts and international institutions now recognise that inequality must be tackled. And every government has pledged to reduce inequality within and between countries. But in practice not much progress is happening and in many countries we are even going backwards. When it comes to action they are still reaching for the same old failed solutions. Only when people join together from the grassroots up, mobilising and organising to build power and demand accountability and greater equality, will things change. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
December 12, 2019