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Cracking the harassment code: Strategies for a safe workplace

Cracking the harassment code: Strategies for a safe workplace

Workplace harassment is a serious issue that affects millions of workers worldwide. It can take many forms, including verbal abuse, physical assault, intimidation, and discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Not only does harassment create a hostile and toxic work environment, but it can also have serious psychological and physical effects on the victim. To address harassment in the workplace effectively, it is essential to understand what it is and how to manage it. This article will explore the various forms of harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, the legal framework around it, and best practices for preventing and managing it. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2023
Seth Godin’s blog – Foibles

Seth Godin’s blog – Foibles

Our habits, preferences and idiosyncrasies make perfect sense. We each know that we have great reasons to embrace our ways and stick with them. Other people’s habits, though, show that they are simply picky, weird or too sensitive. The difference between a preference and a foible seems to be mostly where we’re standing. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2023
Physicians cry too: 6 tips for coping with death and grief as a health care worker

Physicians cry too: 6 tips for coping with death and grief as a health care worker

“FYI, your patient died.” This message from another physician sat in my Epic inbox. Feelings of disappointment and sadness surfaced as I prepared to start my overnight shift in the emergency department. The death of a child simplified to an Epic chat message felt eerily impersonal and distant.  Months prior to receiving this message, I had another traumatic patient experience in the same emergency department. I will never forget the feeling of my hands on the chest of a four-year-old as I performed compressions – up, down, up, down. I remember my breath, being more tired than I expected, my patient’s curly hair so voluminous and full like the life I imagined he lived before entering the hospital. I remember the…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2023
Spotlight – The Loss and Grief Practice Manual

Spotlight – The Loss and Grief Practice Manual

Coping with a significant loss is one of the most demanding experiences each of us will ever have. Supporting people who are in the throes of grief can also be a highly challenging experience. This manual, with its exemplary blend of theory and practice provides a solid foundation of understanding alongside helpful practice guidance that will be of immense value to members of the caring professions, managers and supervisors and, indeed, anyone called upon to support people on their grief journey. Available from or Amazon  
Dr Neil Thompson
April 5, 2023
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Capitalize on crisis

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Capitalize on crisis

A crisis is a turning point in someone’s life, a situation that will either get better or get worse. By definition, if it stays the same it is not a crisis. What can be a strong temptation when working with someone who is in crisis is to try and get things back to normal as soon as possible. While this is perfectly understandable, we have to recognize that this means that the positive potential of crisis is being missed. Crises can do a lot of harm (the situation gets worse) but they can also do a lot of good (the situation gets better) – for example, when new coping skills are learned, when longstanding obstacles to progress are removed and/or…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 5, 2023
The secret world of imagination hidden in autism

The secret world of imagination hidden in autism

I do a significant amount of autism testing. I also treat many adults with autism using neuroaffirmative approaches to autism treatment. In my practice, I have noted that one of the diagnostic criteria that other providers evaluate heavily when assessing children with autism (ASD) is an inability to engage in pretend play. According to Rudy (2022), children with autism are less likely to engage in games that require “make-believe." One of the critical subgroups of questions on the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R) revolves around assessing whether the child being assessed engages in imaginative play. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
April 5, 2023
No child should be punished because their parent is in prison

No child should be punished because their parent is in prison

We know that children who have a parent in prison can feel isolated and ashamed - and most feel unable to talk about it because they're scared of being bullied. They're also more likely than other children to have mental health problems and to get in trouble with the law themselves as they grow up. These children are often left in the shadows, their needs forgotten, and this can have devastating impacts. Despite their situation, they are locked out of the support they need to give them a better chance in life. Barnardo's is one of the few organisations to help children with a parent in prison. We run training services for professionals as well as services in the community…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 5, 2023
Employer briefing: Financial wellbeing during the cost of living crisis

Employer briefing: Financial wellbeing during the cost of living crisis

As a society, our views on employer responsibilities are evolving. The Covid-19 pandemic has spurred employers to adopt a more proactive approach to staff wellbeing. While there will continue to be variation in expectations between employment relations that are transactional and those that are deeper, the cost of living crisis provides an opportunity for employers to accelerate their focus on financial wellbeing at work. Recently published Work Foundation research on this topic found that nearly seven in ten senior decision makers (66%) feel they have a substantial role to play in supporting their staff through the cost of living crisis. We found that where employers have introduced financial wellbeing support for their workers over recent months, this has often been…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 5, 2023