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Book review: The Establishment: And How They Get Away with It

Book review: The Establishment: And How They Get Away with It

Owen Jones has established himself as a highly respected social commentator, first in his column in The Independent and more recently in The Guardian. This book extends and consolidates that reputation. In a clear, well-written text he provides a powerful and convincing critique of the Establishment, the institutionalised power interests that have such a far-reaching effect on ordinary people. Across eight chapters he offers an impressive analysis of how certain groups of people have the ability to present their vested interests as the interests of the country or the economy or the social order in general. His scope is broad, encompassing politicians, the media, the police, and, of course, wealthy capitalists. In each case he provides evidence and argument to…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 22, 2015
Are top bosses worth 127 Police officers?

Are top bosses worth 127 Police officers?

The gap between the richest and the rest of us is less of a gap, more an interplanetary divide. Executive pay, in particular, has reached dizzying heights, stretching far away from the salaries of the mere mortals they employ. Research published ... by the High Pay Centre shows just how vast this chasm is. On average, FTSE 100 chief executives now receive almost £5m a year - or, put another way, 183 times the average salary. It would take someone on the minimum wage more than 400 years to earn what a top boss takes away in just 12 months.
Dr Neil Thompson
October 22, 2015
Local African dolls outselling Barbie in Nigeria

Local African dolls outselling Barbie in Nigeria

I don't personally have a big history of playing with dolls, and as a large, bearded male who enjoys violent sports, I might not even be the sort of customer that doll manufacturers have in mind when creating their products. I'm not really offended by that. But a story that didn't sit as well with me comes from Nigeria, where, one day, Taofick Okoya's daughter told him that she wished she was white. The comment didn't sit well with Okoya either, and instead of lamenting the lack of dolls who could make his daughter feel content in her own skin, he got to work. "All the dolls in the house were all white, and I was like, 'Oh, OK, that's…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 22, 2015
Seth Godin’s blog – On feeling like a failure

Seth Godin’s blog – On feeling like a failure

Feeling like a failure has little correlation with actually failing. There are people who have failed more times than you and I can count, who are happily continuing in their work. There are others who have achieved more than most of us can imagine, who go to work each day feeling inadequate, behind, and yes, like failures and frauds. These are not cases of extraordinary outliers. In fact, external data is almost useless in figuring out whether or not someone is going to adopt the narrative of being a failure. Failure (as seen from the outside) is an event. It's a moment when the spec isn't met, when a project isn't completed as planned ...
Dr Neil Thompson
October 22, 2015
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Make full use of support

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Make full use of support

Sadly there are many people who seem to feel that they can – or at least should – get through life without support. For many people, asking for support is seen as a weakness, as if only inadequate people need – or ask for – support. This sort of stoic or ‘macho’ approach is both ill-founded and potentially dangerous. We need to be very clear that this perspective on support is something we need to move away from. A major part of the problem is that western societies tend to be characterised by a strong emphasis on individualism, and this involves a conception of each of us as a more or less fully independent, autonomous individual. This is set up…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 22, 2015
We’re on Kindle!

We’re on Kindle!

Neil’s Effective Writing e-book is now on Kindle (and other e-book platforms) as are his two brand new e-books, A Career in Social Work and How to Do Social Work. For a limited period they are available for only 99p each. We hope you will like them and feel able to give them a positive review.
Dr Neil Thompson
October 8, 2015
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Beware of Stereotypes

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Beware of Stereotypes

A stereotype is a distorted and often exaggerated depiction of some aspect of reality. As such, stereotypes are potentially very dangerous because they can influence our thoughts, feelings and actions in misleading ways. Confusing an oversimplified and distorted picture of something with the complex, multi-level reality it actually represents is clearly not a wise step to take. So far, so straightforward, but what is often not realised is that (i) stereotypes are far more prevalent than people generally realise; and (ii) they work both ways – that is, we can both stereotype others and be stereotyped by others ...  
Dr Neil Thompson
October 8, 2015
Book Review: Sociology of the American Indian by Gerry R. Cox

Book Review: Sociology of the American Indian by Gerry R. Cox

Guest post by Dr Sue Thompson The discriminatory treatment of minority groups is something that still exercises us to this day, but it has a long history. A significant part of this history is the way Native American nations were displaced and marginalised by the European settlers. Much has changed since those early days, but the legacy of those events is still with us. In this important text, sociologist Professor Gerry Cox provides a fascinating and thought-provoking overview of a range of key issues relating to the life experiences of contemporary American Indian groups. At over 600 pages it is a lengthy tome that offers a wealth of insights spread across twenty-five chapters ...
Dr Neil Thompson
October 8, 2015
Call for articles

Call for articles

COMPASS is looking for contributors to the annual guide to social work and social care. As the largest publication in social work and social care, we are looking for articles to keep our readers informed with the most current information and opinions from professionals in the sector. Suggested topics for editorial include: Articles highlighting an area of good practice within your organisation or in a specific department. Articles offering an opinion regarding current legislation and sector issues. Information about how you as an employer have developed services to encourage innovative practice. Case studies or features that showcase particular projects. ‘Just one question’ - a senior member of your organisation answering a question on policy, or a factual point or information…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 8, 2015
Obituary – The Rev Ken Leech (Centrepoint founder)

Obituary – The Rev Ken Leech (Centrepoint founder)

Ken Leech, who has died aged 76 of cancer, stood firmly in the proud tradition of radical prophetic priests in the English Catholic, rather than Roman Catholic, tradition – one that comes closest to Latin America’s liberation theology. His commitment to allying prayer with political action led him to create the Centrepoint charity for young homeless people in central London, to work tirelessly on promoting good race relations, and to become an influential writer exploring the relationship between intimacy with God and compassionate political commitment to a more just and peaceful world.
Dr Neil Thompson
October 8, 2015