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Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Listen to both sides

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Listen to both sides

Every one of us on the planet is a unique individual, a person in our own right, with our own unique perspective. Of course, there are various things that people can have in common – the influence of culture and upbringing, for example. We will share certain views with particular groups of people because of political affiliation, religious belief, educational experience or whatever, and so there will generally be considerable overlap between, say, my perspective and that of many other people. However, there will not be a single person whose outlook will be exactly like mine. Even identical twins will have significant differences of perspective on certain issues ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 12, 2016
No child should be exposed to hazardous substances, says Human Rights Watch

No child should be exposed to hazardous substances, says Human Rights Watch

Children's rights are consistently violated in the context of environmental pollution, which is why Human Rights Watch has submitted a report with a loud and clear message to the United Nations. It's time to take action. One of the worst environmental health disasters occurred in 2011, when 400 children died in Nigeria from lead poisoning. Children were exposed to lead in a number of ways – working in nearby gold mines and processing ore, both on site and at home, and coming into contact with lead dust-covered relatives coming home after a day at work ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 12, 2016
Do not resuscitate orders placed on patients without consent, says study

Do not resuscitate orders placed on patients without consent, says study

Tens of thousands of patients are having “do not resuscitate” orders imposed without their families’ consent, an audit has found. Hospitals are failing to tell relations that they do not intend to attempt potentially lifesaving techniques to save their loved ones, according to the Royal College of Physicians. Its audit of 9,000 dying patients found that one in five families were not informed of the plans – equivalent to 40,000 patients a year ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 12, 2016
Seth Godin’s blog – On being treated like an adult

Seth Godin’s blog – On being treated like an adult

It's great to dream like a kid, but no fun to be treated like one. It bristles because we feel that, even if the person involved has best intentions, we've outgrown being treated like a child. Some behaviors to consider if you want to avoid this situation... Make long-term plans instead of whining Ask hard questions but accept truthful answers Don't insist that there's a monster under the bed even after you've seen there isn't Manage your debt wisely Go to school, early and often ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 12, 2016
How data science is helping charities to fight hunger in the UK

How data science is helping charities to fight hunger in the UK

The Trussell Trust’s latest statistics show that food bank use in the UK remains at record levels, and that the supply of emergency food parcels has increased by 2% in the last year. Amid the passionate discussion that these figures arouse, one comment by David McAuley, the trust’s chief executive, deserves attention: “Reducing UK hunger will require a collective effort from the voluntary sector, government, the Department for Work and Pensions, businesses and the public. The Trussell Trust is keen to work with all these groups to find solutions that stop so many people needing food banks in future.” Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 12, 2016
Spotlight – Don’t be your own worst enemy ebook

Spotlight – Don’t be your own worst enemy ebook

Well-being is an important topic which is increasingly being recognised as encompassing, but being more than, just good health. Important though good health is to a general sense of well-being, there are other factors that make a difference – a sense of purpose or worth, for example – and in this e-book some of those other dimensions are explored. But it is also acknowledged how difficult it can be to keep your own well-being up there on your ‘to do list’ when life gets hectic – the very point when the last thing you need is for your well-being to be challenged. Click here to read more This title is also available on Kindle    
Dr Neil Thompson
April 28, 2016
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Look after yourself

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Look after yourself

Some people cause problems for themselves and for others by simply ‘looking out for number one’ – that is, putting themselves, first, second and last. One of the problems with this approach to life is that it contributes to a vicious circle. The more self-centred people are, the more they contribute to other people feeling shunned, disregarded and even disrespected. While being treated like that may spur some people to be even more considerate to, and supportive of, others to counterbalance the negative experience they have had, that is not always the result. For many people there is a danger that other people’s selfishness and the negative consequences it brings lead them to withdraw into themselves, to adopt the attitude…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 28, 2016
Older employees should be supported in the workplace

Older employees should be supported in the workplace

NICE – the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence – has updated its workplace guidance to include recommendations that will improve the health and wellbeing of older employees (people aged over 50). New recommendations focusing on older employees include: - Treat employees on an individual basis, avoiding stereotypes, such as the assumption that an older employee may find learning new tasks difficult or a younger employee is less dependable. - Offer and encourage older employees to undertake training if their job role changes, or if they may have received education and training some years ago. - Help older employees to access health and screening services, such as cervical screening and eye tests, and allow time off to attend appointments.…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 28, 2016
#BeAGameChanger Awards 2016

#BeAGameChanger Awards 2016

The Women’s Sport Trust #BeAGameChanger Awards recognise those individuals and organisations doing the most to progress women’s sport.  Following a public nomination process and shortlisting by our Board of Trustees, the finalists in each category were chosen by our Expert Panel. Public voting for winners is open from 18th April until 1st May. Winners will be announced on 12th May. The Women’s Sport Trust #BeAGameChanger awards, supported by Microsoft, showcase the irresistible nature of women’s sport and inspire others to take action. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
April 28, 2016