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An employer’s guide to tackling bullying and harassment at work

An employer’s guide to tackling bullying and harassment at work

Most employers will at some point have to confront allegations of bullying at work. Putting procedures in place as well as managing difficult conversations with the individuals involved is beneficial, not just in the short-term by resolving conflicts, but also by helping create a more harmonious workplace. Employers can be hit by serious financial, legal and reputational issues if they fail to deal properly with allegations of bullying, from discrimination claims under the Equality Act (if related to a protected characteristic such as sex or age) to claims for breach of contract, constructive dismissal and negligence (if the bullying has caused a psychiatric injury to the individual). Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
September 22, 2016
Housing crisis ‘driving younger and older generations apart’

Housing crisis ‘driving younger and older generations apart’

Britain is becoming more segregated due to high house prices, a report reveals, as it emerged that the number of new “social rent” homes funded by the government fell to fewer than 10,000 last year. Official figures show that 70% fewer social rent homes, where rents are capped, came on to the market in 2014-15 compared with five years earlier at the end of the Labour government. An additional 40,000 “affordable rent” properties also became available, but at up to 80% of the market rate – considerably higher than for social housing. The consequence of escalating rents and the lack of discounted homes has been greater segregation in society, according to a new report from theIntergenerational Foundation (IF). The number of…
Dr Neil Thompson
September 22, 2016
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Get perspective: Look up at the stars

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Get perspective: Look up at the stars

These days so many people seem to lead very busy, pressurised lives. One of the results of that can be a narrow focus on the last mistake, the next deadline and so on. It can so easily become the case that all we see is the pressure and the potential problems. This can especially be the case when work pressures combine with pressures at home (and, indeed, they can reinforce each other). One of the dangers in situations like this is that we lose perspective, we lose sight of the bigger picture. We can easily start to think that all there is to life is pressure and problems. That can create a sense of defeatism and even cynicism and things…
Dr Neil Thompson
September 8, 2016
Damning UN report: The state of race equality in the UK

Damning UN report: The state of race equality in the UK

The UN CERD (Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination) committee concluded there has been an outbreak of xenophobia and discrimination against ethnic minorities, particularly since the referendum campaign: "Many politicians and prominent political figures not only failed to condemn it but also created and entrenched prejudices, thereby emboldening individuals to carry out acts of intimidation and hate towards ethnic or ethno-religious minority communities and people who are visibly different" Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
September 8, 2016
Seth Godin’s Blog: The paradox of the flawless record

Seth Godin’s Blog: The paradox of the flawless record

If your work has never been criticized, it's unlikely you have any work. Creating work is the point, though, which means that in order to do something that matters, you're going to be criticized. If your goal is to be universally liked and respected and understood, then, it must mean your goal is to not do something that matters ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
September 8, 2016
Rail against the system: How our transport system entrenches inequality

Rail against the system: How our transport system entrenches inequality

New research released by the TUC has shown that rail fares have risen twice as fast as wages since 2010. For those who rely on trains to get to work each day, they will be feeling this hit as they lose more of their wages on their daily commute. This is made worse of course by the often terrible service provided by rail franchises, overseeing frequently late or cancelled trains. However, when you consider how political parties prioritise rail over other forms of transport, it’s clear there are other, even greater problems facing our creaking transport system. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
September 8, 2016
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Be clear about your goals

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Be clear about your goals

When I undertook my management training many years ago we were taught the importance of a ‘strategic’ approach, which meant at all times being clear about what we were trying to achieve – that is, what our strategic goals are. Our strategy, then, is the plan for achieving these goals, hence the term ‘strategic’. At that point I had been a practising social worker for a number of years and, to me, having clarity about what we were trying to achieve was second nature. So, I was surprised when so many of the other students on the course seemed to think that this ideas of a ‘strategic’ approach was something new and exciting. Since then I have learned that I…
Dr Neil Thompson
August 26, 2016