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New guide to help combat sex discrimination

Workplace experts, Acas, have launched a new guide to help employers and managers identify, tackle and prevent sex discrimination in the workplace. Over the past year, the Acas helpline has dealt with over 7,000 calls related to sex discrimination in the workplace. The new guidance will help employers and managers get to grips with the laws around equality and to be aware of any behaviour that could be considered as sex discrimination. Acas Chair Sir Brendan Barber said: “Sex discrimination is unlawful and it’s worrying that so many people have called the Acas helpline about it. Nine out of ten calls came from employees and the overwhelming majority of these callers were women. We have published a new free guide to help employers, small businesses and managers understand the basics around equality law, the different types of sex discrimination and awareness of how positive action can apply to certain jobs. It is important to be fully aware of the rules around equality within the workplace as falling on the wrong side of the law could result in a costly employment tribunal.”

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