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My final career phase – a message from Neil Thompson

I’m not quite ready to hang up my boots just yet, but I am now very definitely in the final phase of my career, so I wanted you to be aware of what that means in terms of any interest you may have in my work or my services.

I am no longer providing face-to-face or live online training, although I will be speaking at the occasional conference and special event. My work now has four main elements. First, I am continuing to write and I have a number of books in the pipeline, as usual. The second is that I remain active in producing online courses. That includes our annual subscription service that offers a total of 60 courses, plus new programmes of learning that I am developing around leadership and workplace wellbeing. The third element is that I am involved in some consultancy work with a company called Vigoroom. I have been aware for quite some time of the major challenges in the workplace around stress, health and wellbeing and staff turnover. Vigoroom is a service that offers excellent resources to help with these problems, and I have been pleased to have some of my work included on the platform. I genuinely believe Vigoroom can make a positive difference. And, finally, I am currently a visiting professor at the Open University. This is an honorary position that is mainly advisory.

I have produced a document that goes into a lot more detail about what I hope will be my legacy as I steadily work towards retirement. That document plus an article that explains my approach to stress and workplace wellbeing (a key factor in relation to recruitment and retention) can be downloaded from:

It’s all about people: visit Neil Thompson’s humansolutions website

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