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Five neurodiversity myths that must be challenged

Here’s why there has been a surge of searches on Google for neurodiversity – according to Naomi Humber, Head of Mental Wellbeing at Bupa:
Neurodiversity is a term that explains the different ways we think, process information, and relate to others. Neurodiverse employees can bring unique skills to their role, such as problem solving, spotting trends, creativity, and data analysis.

Where you sit on the cognitive spectrum is unique to you. Whilst most people think and act in a way that society perceives as the ‘norm’ (neurotypical), one in seven people are neurodivergent. This means they behave, think and process information in ways that are different to most other people. Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and Tourette’s syndrome are all examples of neurodiverse ways of thinking and behaving.

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