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Ending women’s homelessness: The next chapter

In the next chapter of our work on ending women’s homelessness, Homeless Link is innovatively leading the way as a catalyst for change within the homelessness sector, redressing the issue of homelessness as a gendered phenomenon by building capacity around gender-informed support. In a 2019 publication by Homeless Link and the Women’s Resource Centre, gender-informed support is defined as an approach that “seeks to adapt and configure elements of support or parts of the service to better support women in the way that works for them, noting that their experiences are different to men”.

As we enter the last few months of our Ending Women’s Homelessness Grants Programme, we are delighted to announce that the Garfield Weston Foundation is supporting us to deliver a new project which will enable us to assist the sector to improve the support, and outcomes, for women experiencing homelessness.

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