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Burned out and stretched too thin: Tips to re-engage your team

It seems there are two types of disgruntled people in our current economy: those who don’t have jobs and those who do. Why? Because for each person who has left an organization, the ones left behind are working harder, feeling overworked and underappreciated, and often being underpaid. Almost everyone in the workplace has been “doing more with less” for a long time. Yet productivity has risen 2.3% annually during these tough times, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This increase is due to fewer employees working more hours and taking on bigger workloads. This is good news for CFOs and senior managers, but it comes at a cost. The dark side of productivity improvement is that people are stretched too thin. Many employees have reached the point of burnout and are no longer able or willing to give their all every day. The last flicker of discretionary energy has, in many cases, been spent.

But can you get higher productivity without burning people out? Our experience says “yes.”

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