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Belfast Met’s Gerry Skelton – Interview on Spirituality (video)

Warmest greetings to One and All. I just wanted to share a few words of gratitude and introduce what I hope will be a helpful resource to your thinking, feeling and practice about the centrality of spirituality in our individual and collective lives. As many of you are aware, I have been championing the inclusion of spirituality in the social work (and related) professions, and challenging the education, training and practice arenas to embrace this legitimate, nascent but often neglected and ‘tabooised’ theme. Indeed, I passionately contend that spirituality represents something of a zeitgeist for the 21st Century! So a BIG thank you to all who have helped me in a myriad of ways; through your personal and professional encouragement, enthusiasm, challenge, and ‘believing’ in the value of this work and the contribution I have tried to make.

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