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Aging employees may be a blessing, not a curse

An article I wrote for The Globe and Mail on ageism in businessclearly struck a nerve. At the age of 52, I could feel, hear and witness the discrimination. The response to the article was overwhelming.

Ageism is not a new concept; the term was first coined by Robert Butler in 1969. However, the conversation is gaining momentum because of: 1) longer life spans; 2) decreasing birth rates; 3) longer career spans, given mandatory retirement at 65 is no longer mandatory and; 4) shifting perspectives and policies on the role of age in the workplace. So it is no surprise that studies abound on the impact of the aging population on the workplace. Historical policies, beliefs and norms are being completely debunked. A study by Randstad Workmonitor (Q2 2018) found that age-diverse teams are innovative, resourceful and more preferable to work in.

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