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The Learning from Practice Manual

The Learning from Practice Manual

Are you involved in student supervision or other ways of helping people learn? If so, Neil Thompson’s The Learning from Practice Manual is for you. Neil has been involved in supporting practice learning for over four decades. This hands-on manual of practice guidance encapsulates his experience and expertise in a way that readers will find very helpful. Available for purchase along with many other books by Neil here or from the Avenue Learning Centre here.
Dr Neil Thompson
May 30, 2019
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Live your life

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Live your life

A question I have asked many individuals in one-to-one discussions and groups of people I have been working with has been: Are you living your life or is your life living you? This is not just playing with words; it is a very, very important question. It has major implications. I have been involved in some very interesting and enlightening discussions as a result of asking that question. It has helped so many people realise that their approach to their life in so many ways is a passive one. Things happen to them; they accept them, learn to live with them; and then more things happen. The irony of this is that we are constantly making choices, whether deliberate decisions…
Dr Neil Thompson
May 30, 2019
The Inner Level teach-in

The Inner Level teach-in

Professors Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson explore the theories in their most recent publication, The Inner Level. This video is aimed at activists, individuals and groups speaking publicly or delivering a presentation on the impact of inequality for individuals and society. Filmed in London in July 2018 at The Equality Trust's annual Local Groups and Activists' Day. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 30, 2019
Five things

Five things

Five Things is a collection of the five things our collaborators want you to know about life, death and everything in between. Over the next few months, we’ll be covering illness, dying, death, funerals, grief, heartache, adversity and many other topics. There’ll be a #FiveThings event in London in October 2019. If you’d like to submit your own #FiveThings, email [email protected] Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 30, 2019
Seth Godin’s blog – Three kinds of forever

Seth Godin’s blog – Three kinds of forever

There’s the forever of discomfort. Sasha Dichter taught us about this. The feeling we get during a temporary situation that feels like it’s going to last forever. It’s one thing to tolerate a bumpy landing on an airplane, because you know it’ll be over in ten seconds.But, a car-sick toddler doesn’t have that perspective. He’s wailing and sad because he thinks that this is the new normal, a permanent situation. Too often, we quit in the dip. Not because we can’t tolerate discomfort for an hour, a week or a month, but because we mistakenly believe that it might last forever. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 30, 2019
Connect with Neil online

Connect with Neil online

Please click on the relevant link below Facebook page Facebook Social Work Focus group LinkedIn Twitter YouTube channel Neil’s website The humansolutions website Information about Neil’s online learning community, the Avenue Professional Development Programme
Dr Neil Thompson
May 30, 2019