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Spotlight – How to Survive in Social Work

Spotlight – How to Survive in Social Work

Social work by its very nature is challenging and demanding work. But, in the current social, economic and political climate, it can prove extraordinarily difficult to keep your head above water. Written by two highly experienced social work professionals, this important book explores the significance of that context, offers guidance on how to survive despite it and even to aim for thriving within it. There are no easy answers, but there is much we can do to make sure that we are able to fulfil the potential and value of social work as a force for making our society a humane one without sacrificing our own health and well-being. Available from here or Amazon
Dr Neil Thompson
May 17, 2022
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Don’t assume you can’t make a difference

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Don’t assume you can’t make a difference

Sometimes the difficulties we face in organizations can seem so deep rooted and so extensive that we can feel there is nothing that can be done about them. A pervasive sense of defeatism and hopelessness can easily set in. This is especially the case where morale is low. The result can be a vicious circle: defeatism contributes to low morale and low morale makes people feel helpless. In reality there is often much that individuals can do – especially when working collectively – to make a positive difference. Organisational cultures – whether positive or negative – are basically sets of habits, and habits can be changed. Start to explore possibilities rather than assume that there aren’t any.
Dr Neil Thompson
May 17, 2022
Look closer to spot and report signs of exploitation

Look closer to spot and report signs of exploitation

Across the country, young people are being manipulated, sexually abused, forced to launder money and deal drugs. Exploitation isn't obvious. But it happens everywhere. And you can stop it. Get to know the signs of child exploitation and how to report it through our award-winning #LookCloser campaign with the British Transport Police and National County Lines Coordination Centre. Together we can protect children from this abuse. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 17, 2022
Let’s Play Fair: Inclusive playgrounds

Let’s Play Fair: Inclusive playgrounds

Too many disabled children are being denied fun and friendship at their local playgrounds because they are not designed for them. Half of families with disabled children face accessibility problems with their local playground. 1 in 10 parents of disabled children said their child got hurt using inaccessible equipment. We are calling on the Government to invest in a multi-million pound inclusive playgrounds fund. Inclusive playgrounds are places where all children, can be themselves and form memories that last a lifetime. Demand the Government gives every child an equal chance to play. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 17, 2022
Six misunderstood concepts about diversity in the workplace and why they matter

Six misunderstood concepts about diversity in the workplace and why they matter

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a sensitive topic. People are afraid to get things wrong or to use the wrong word. It doesn’t help that the words involved are confusing. You have probably encountered these concepts at a mandatory training session, a workplace event, or on Twitter. They often involve decades of complex scholarship being reduced down to a single word, and, as such, they can easily be misrepresented. But for any progress to be made, and for real diversity and inclusion to be achieved, getting to grips with what they actually mean is crucial. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 17, 2022