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Spotlight – Lessons for Living

Spotlight – Lessons for Living

“Where there are people, there will be problems, but there will also be potential” is a key part of Neil’s work. And that is precisely what this manual is all about – equipping practitioners from various professional disciplines to help people address their problems and realise their potential. Part One provides an extended essay on the nature and significance of problem solving to lay solid foundations of understanding. Part Two then offers guidance on using 101 problem-solving tools that can be used in a wide variety of circumstances. Available for purchase here or here
Dr Neil Thompson
February 9, 2021
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Avoid rumination

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Avoid rumination

When we experience powerful negative emotions, such as when we are grieving, upset, angry or disappointed, they can dominate our thinking for a while. We find it difficult to push them to the back of our mind and try to get past them. But normally we will do so sooner or later. However, what can happen sometimes is that we get locked into a cycle of negativity. We can ‘ruminate’. This means that we go over and over things in our mind; we find it difficult to stop coming back to what has hurt us. This is to be expected in the early aftermath of a difficult experience, but it can continue for weeks, months or even years, constantly sapping…
Dr Neil Thompson
February 9, 2021
Runnymede Trust – Our work

Runnymede Trust – Our work

Runnymede's projects and publication help build up a body of evidence on a wide range of areas that address key race equality challenges for public policy and public debate. A list of our most recent (since 2015) publications, while in the submenu you will find our work grouped by thematic or policy area. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
February 9, 2021
How virtual family group conferences have fared under Covid-19

How virtual family group conferences have fared under Covid-19

Family group conferences (FGCs) have been around in the UK since their introduction by Family Rights Group (FRG) and others in 1992 and they have been increasingly used in recent years for family-led planning in children and families’ social care. Whilst they are also used in adult services their major use still sits in children’s services. With Covid-19 came a number of challenges to FGC practice and services have often needed to be creative and resourceful in how they have met these challenges. Covid restrictions have meant that many FGC services have either had to stop working or significantly alter their practice. Many FGC staff have simply been redeployed, often as social workers or family support workers, in order to…
Dr Neil Thompson
February 9, 2021
How to help your team thrive at work

How to help your team thrive at work

When your team has more good days at work, so do you. And when you’re on top form, your team is more likely to thrive too. But something’s holding many of us back. Stress and poor mental well-being are among the leading causes of absence, presenteeism (people coming into work when they are ill) and leaveism (working during your time off) - none of which are good news for you or the people you manage. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these factors for many. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
February 9, 2021