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Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living: Don’t lose sight of the little things that can make a big difference

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living: Don’t lose sight of the little things that can make a big difference

It is very wise to be clear about your priorities and make sure that you attend to them. So much time, effort and energy can be wasted if you spend time on lesser matters and lose sight of the most important. It makes sense that the big, important issues need to come first. However, there is also much to be gained from appreciating the little things. The two ideas are not incompatible. It is perfectly possible to focus primarily on the main issues you face, while also setting aside some time for the things that, at first view, may not seem to matter much, but which can actually be of great importance and value. What I am talking about is…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2018
Artificial intelligence and racial bias: Can robots be racist?

Artificial intelligence and racial bias: Can robots be racist?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is best known for driverless cars and as the inspiration for endless Hollywood movies. We invariably see a future where robots turn from servants to oppressors of humans because their burgeoning intelligence has made them realise the planet needs saving from people. In the real world we are fairly sure that the ability of robots to self-learn (AI) is limited to within the parameters that are set for it. For example, robots that are programmed to make music are highly unlikely to turn on us because mankind has produced Justin Bieber. AI also has more prosaic uses, such deciphering handwriting and gaming. Essentially AI covers anything where computers have the possibility of learning from the point…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2018
Forget about GDP: It’s time for a wellbeing economy

Forget about GDP: It’s time for a wellbeing economy

It would be funny if it wasn’t so distressing. After every recent election in the West, the reaction of so many pundits has been to ask: Why are the anti-establishment parties so strong again when GDP has been picking up recently?  But perhaps the pick-up in GDP is so removed from what really matters to people that voters are seeking significant change. Voter’s intuitions – that our economies are not aligned with what really matters to them – are mirrored in the evidence. The research is clear: growth in GDP has not been widely shared, instead it is the wallets of the already wealthy that have expanded. Moreover, while policy makers strain to squeeze more GDP from a stagnating economy, we know that, beyond…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2018
I’ve worked with young people for 50 years. Here’s my advice for Amber Rudd on knife crime

I’ve worked with young people for 50 years. Here’s my advice for Amber Rudd on knife crime

I have been involved in youth services for more than 50 years, starting as a volunteer for a Bermondsey youth club, when the docks were still open, running summer camps for boys and girls. I believe that if the home secretary Amber Rudd really wants to reduce knife crime, she needs to give us back our youth services, our youth training projects and hostels for young people. In 1969 I became a teacher. I soon found that some children, bored at school, were completely different in the adventure playground I ran at weekends. One lad, Mickey*, got into trouble; his school report was appalling but in court I spoke about how positive he was in the playground and eventually he…
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2018
The Goldilocks rule: How to stay motivated in life and business

The Goldilocks rule: How to stay motivated in life and business

It was 1955 and Disneyland had just opened in Anaheim, California when a ten-year-old boy walked in and asked for a job. Labor laws were loose back then and the boy managed to land a position selling guidebooks to visitors for $0.50 a piece. Within a year, he had transitioned to Disney's magic shop where he learned tricks from the older employees. He experimented with jokes and tried out simple magic routines on the visitors. Soon, he discovered that what he loved was not performing magic, but performing in general. The young boy set his sights on becoming a comedian ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
April 18, 2018