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Becoming the Best You!

Learning System

For anyone wanting to improve their ability to make a positive difference and to achieve their full potential.

What is the programme all about?

Many people bumble along through life and just take each day as it comes. But there are also very many people who feel that they want more out of their life, to learn, to grow, to develop and flourish – they want to get the best results possible, not just to settle for good enough.

Wanting to grow and learn is what personal development is all about and wanting to make as much positive difference as possible is what personal effectiveness is all about. The two go hand in hand.

This extensive programme of learning has been developed to help you make the most of the opportunities you have to develop yourself as a person and to be as effective as you can in everything that you do.

What is a learning system?

A learning system is more than a conventional course. It is a structured, step-by-step programme of learning that offers a clear learning pathway.

Becoming the Best You! has 30 steps for participants to follow. The step-by-step approach prevents people feeling lost and overwhelmed by the different aspects of the learning.

Who is Becoming the Best You! for?

In general terms, anyone can benefit from what this extensive structured pattern of resources can offer. But, we see certain groups of people being especially well suited to investing in Becoming the Best You!

  • People who are doing well in life but who want to do even better.
  • People who, for whatever reason, have been held back in their life and now want to put all that behind them and flourish.
  • People in high-pressure jobs who have others relying on them and who want to make sure that they are as well equipped as possible to rise to the challenges involved.
  • People who are in the early stages of their career and want to make sure that they are as well prepared as possible to make it a successful career.
  • People in the middle stages of their career who feel stuck and want a fresh impetus to re-energise them.
  • People in the latter stages of their career, want to finish on a high and equip themselves for a positive and fruitful retirement.

The system is available for individual purchase or can be provided for sets of staff – for example, all the members of a senior leadership team who are committed to making sure that, as a team, they achieve optimal outcomes. Where groups of people engage with the system at the same time, there is the added benefit of shared learning and mutual support.

Who is the presenter?

The programme has been developed and is presented by Professor Neil Thompson. Neil is an independent writer and educator and a visiting professor at the Open University. He has extensive experience in helping people maximise their learning and achieve the best results. He has developed his skills in this area through many years as a practitioner and manager in the caring professions, as a trainer and tutor, an author and a consultant to a wide range of organisations.

An award-winning author, his books include The Managing Stress Practice Manual (Avenue Media Solutions, 2019), The Problem Solver’s Practice Manual (Avenue Media Solutions, 2020), People Skills (5th edn, Bloomsbury, 2021) and The Managing People Practice Manual (Avenue Media Solutions, 2022). In addition to his books, he now focuses on producing high-quality online learning resources, and has developed over 80 courses to date.

What’s involved?

The programme involves almost six hours of video materials, plus a wide range of additional resources, all within a structured step-by-step system that is easy to follow. The video materials can be viewed in conventional HD format on computers, tablets and phones. But, for the best results, we recommend using a virtual reality headset to get the powerful immersive learning experience that only VR can produce.

Watch the video to hear Neil talk about the system.