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The future of care needs: A whole systems approach

The future of care needs: A whole systems approach

The country’s health is changing. We are living longer and more of us will need care in the future.  This will lead to an increase in the need for paid care services but will also require an increase in informal care because not all people who need care receive paid care, and some of those who do receive both formal and informal care. Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) analysis found that over the period 2016–2022, over half of people aged 65 and over who were being cared for only accessed informal care, around a quarter accessed both formal and informal care and just under a fifth only accessed formal care. Informal care is an inevitable part of how care needs are…
Dr Neil Thompson
September 26, 2024
Spotlight – Anti-racism for Beginners

Spotlight – Anti-racism for Beginners

There is no room for racism in a civilised society. The recent surge of interest in anti-racism is very much to be welcomed, but we have to guard against oversimplifying some complex and sensitive issues. This book, from the author of Anti-discriminatory Practice and Promoting Equality, provides an important foundation of learning that will be helpful for anyone committed to a genuinely anti-racist approach to practice. Available from or Amazon
Dr Neil Thompson
September 12, 2024
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Say thank you

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Say thank you

Saying please and thank you is a basic part of what we are taught as children. But saying thank you is more than just good manners. It is a way of showing appreciation and of cementing cooperative working relations. While it is certainly not uncommon for people to say thank you to one another in the appropriate circumstances, there are also very many occasions when it is not said and when it could have been very helpful to do so. There are also many times when it is said in a curt or routine way that does not really convey appreciation – it comes across as just a social ritual, rather than a meaningful (and effective) communication. Try two things…
Dr Neil Thompson
September 12, 2024
A ‘thank you’ really does go a long way

A ‘thank you’ really does go a long way

Saying 'thank you' can be powerful — sometimes unexpectedly so. Gratitude can foster greater happiness, which can be particularly impactful in romantic contexts, offering what one study referred to as "a booster shot" for relationships. Now a new study on gratitude looks at the power of a 'thank you' in a family context. Writing in The Journal of Positive Psychology, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign team explores gratitude between both parents and children, finding that gratitude doesn't just strengthen relationships between couples, but other family ties, too. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
September 12, 2024
Welcoming the main parties’ general election commitments to fund early support hubs

Welcoming the main parties’ general election commitments to fund early support hubs

We have long been calling for early support hubs to be established in every local area so young people can access early mental health support and advice in their community. After years of campaigning, we are proud to see a commitment to early support hubs in the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat manifestos. The political parties have listened to our calls to fund the hubs. We would like to thank the thousands of young people and our colleagues from across the sector who added their voices to our campaign. This is a fantastic win for the Fund the Hubs campaign. But the truth is that a manifesto commitment is only the first step. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
September 12, 2024
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Don’t reply in anger

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Don’t reply in anger

Anger is a powerful emotion, and one that no one is immune to. The physiological effect it has on us can be a strong spur to action, and so the temptation to respond there and then can be an intensely felt one. However, responding there and then can be highly problematic, as the intense emotion of the situation can distort our perceptions. It can also lead to an escalation in which our anger-driven response can ‘up the stakes’ emotionally and thereby lead to a worsening of the situation, rather than defuse it. In addition, it can mean that we are responding without a full understanding of the situation, and that could lead to making the situation worse. The traditional idea…
Dr Neil Thompson
August 28, 2024