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Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Effective communication: Topic and comment

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Effective communication: Topic and comment

Communication goes awry quite regularly, which is not surprising when you think about how much of it we do in any given day. One common way in which communication breaks down is when what is said (or written) does not cover both topic and comment. The topic is what we are talking about and the comment is what we are saying about it. They can be articulated separately (‘You know that book on stress I lent you? I will need it back if that’s OK ’) or together (‘Can you please let me have back that book on stress I lent you?’). Either is fine when both topic and comment are covered, but often, there is a topic identified, but…
Dr Neil Thompson
November 7, 2023
The case for disability workforce reporting

The case for disability workforce reporting

More than 7 million people of working age in the UK has a disability or long-term health condition. The need for disability workforce reporting has been increasingly debated by employers and policy-makers. While there is no mandatory requirement to do so currently, is there a business and moral case to drive support for voluntary reporting of workforce disability data? For organisations, publishing disability workforce information would signal a commitment to fairness, equality and human rights that would boost a business’s external reputation. By demonstrating that you value diversity, it would also boost attraction, helping employers to tap into a wider pool of talent and skills that could culminate in performance and productivity gains. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
November 7, 2023
Treehugger – About us

Treehugger – About us

Local or organic? Hybrid or electric? Paper or plastic or neither? Nearly all decisions today affect the environment, and figuring out which choices matter most often feels impossible. That’s why we made Treehugger, the only modern sustainability site that offers advice, clarity, and inspiration for both the eco-savvy and the green-living novice. With 2.6 million monthly users, Treehugger is one of the world’s largest information sites dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Staying informed and making smart choices is critical during this time of environmental change and opportunity. But our nearly 20-year-strong library of sustainability content is here to help. Our articles can give you the confidence to purchase a better dishwasher, build a green beauty routine, or simply learn more about…
Dr Neil Thompson
November 7, 2023
Fictional power imbalances help children grasp systemic injustices

Fictional power imbalances help children grasp systemic injustices

Research suggests that children readily accept and perpetuate group inequalities from a young age, quickly becoming active participants in their maintenance. In adults that buy into systematic inequalities, education on policies, procedures, or political discourses upholding said injustices has been shown to encourage people to fight against them, as well as predict lower levels of prejudice towards low-status groups. For kids, however, wading into the mechanics of the system is typically beyond their capabilities and interest, potentially leaving blossoming unjust beliefs unchallenged. However, new research described in PNAS reveals that there are effective ways to help children learn about power systems and the inequalities they cause, and that certain types of explanation increase their desire to rectify injustices. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
November 7, 2023
Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Bullying is not strong leadership

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Bullying is not strong leadership

Many times I have heard some people try to justify bullying behaviours by describing oppressive practices as ‘strong leadership’. In reality, using bullying tactics is a sign of a lack of leadership. A leader is someone who shapes a culture and creates an atmosphere where people want to do well, where they want to be part of a team that works well – they do not need to be coerced or intimidated into doing what is required of them. They feel they belong to an important endeavour and are pleased to be part of it. Bullying is a sign that leadership skills are lacking or that the person in a leadership role has failed to grasp what leadership is all…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 18, 2023
My final career phase – a message from Neil Thompson

My final career phase – a message from Neil Thompson

I’m not quite ready to hang up my boots just yet, but I am now very definitely in the final phase of my career, so I wanted you to be aware of what that means in terms of any interest you may have in my work or my services. I am no longer providing face-to-face or live online training, although I will be speaking at the occasional conference and special event. My work now has four main elements. First, I am continuing to write and I have a number of books in the pipeline, as usual. The second is that I remain active in producing online courses. That includes our annual subscription service that offers a total of 60 courses,…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 18, 2023
Seth Godin’s blog – Evenly distributed

Seth Godin’s blog – Evenly distributed

For the first time, the only time, everyone on Earth was in the same boat at the same time. We’ve long been divided by privilege, by caste, by accidents of birth or by organized hierarchies. Sure, there have been events that struck us all at once. Landing on the moon caused us all to gasp simultaneously. But this time was different. Regardless of class or age or nationality, the situation was right there, in front of our face. And it didn’t go away in a few news cycles. But the responses, of course, were not the same. Some profiteered and hoarded, cutting the line and seeking a profit, regardless of the cost to others. Some embraced panic while others sought…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 18, 2023