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Study at Master’s level with Neil Thompson!

Study at Master’s level with Neil Thompson!

Introducing the MSc Advanced Practice in the Human Services Neil is delighted to be able to announce the launch of the MSc Advanced Practice in the Human Services at Glyndwr University. The programme is part-time and fully online and based around his published work. Recruiting now for a January start: “Take your knowledge of social well-being issues to the next level with the MSc Advanced Practice in the Human Services programme at Wrexham Glyndwr University”. “This unique, innovative online course is based around the work of the internationally renowned Professor Neil Thompson, who writes, speaks and advises on a range of social well-being issues. Online discussion forums enable students to engage and work with Professor Thompson, as well as other tutors…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 20, 2016
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living: Manage your inhibitions

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living: Manage your inhibitions

I have always had my doubts about the psychological notions of introversion and extroversion, as if we can simply pigeonhole people into one category or the other. Sociology teaches us that people will generally behave differently in different circumstances. Someone who may appear quite introverted and uncomfortable at a party, may come across as very extroverted when performing on stage for their local amateur dramatic society. Likewise, someone who is the life and soul of the party may be very self-contained and appear introverted when dealing with someone who is distressed. Different people have different comfort zones. However, what the introversion-extroversion axis revolves around is how we manage our inhibitions. We have bodily systems that will serve to protect us…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 20, 2016
Posters berating homeless beggars as frauds far from the truth

Posters berating homeless beggars as frauds far from the truth

This week Nottingham city council’s poster campaign on homeless begging – suggesting that money to beggars funds booze, drugs, and fraud – was banned by the Advertising Standards Authority for being discriminatory. The ruling is good news, but the fact that these posters existed at all is indicative of the way in which it has become increasingly acceptable to berate the less well-off. From TV shows like Benefits Street showcasing Britain’s poor as if they were a circus act to the use by politicians of language like “shirkers and strivers”, such prejudice is increasing. I learned at 16, and homeless while still at school, that in order to keep the good opinion of others I needed to show just the right…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 20, 2016
Another study shows the discrimination women face in the workplace

Another study shows the discrimination women face in the workplace

Women who weigh even slightly more than their peers are more likely to face discrimination when applying for certain jobs, a recent study from Scotland finds. In the study, researchers found that people were less likely to say they'd hire a slightly heavier woman for a job than an equally qualified woman who weighed less. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
October 20, 2016
“Close libraries and you’ll be forced to build more prisons”

“Close libraries and you’ll be forced to build more prisons”

"The problem with austerity is that it’s too expensive. Before we allow another library to close, we must ask: Is this a saving?" Big Issue founder Lord Bird has warned that the government must be ready to build more prisons and homeless shelters if the libraries continue to close at the current rate. Lord Bird was speaking during a House of Lords debate on the the damage of illiteracy across Britain and the crisis facing public libraries and independent bookshops. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
October 20, 2016