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Lessons for Living – 101 Tips for Optimal Well-being at Work and Beyond

Lessons for Living – 101 Tips for Optimal Well-being at Work and Beyond

This book, by highly respected author, educator and adviser, Neil Thompson, offers a much more grounded approach to the complex issues involved. Part One provides a clear and helpful overview of key issues relating to promoting well-being – our own and other people’s, while Part Two offers 101 practical tips. This book will be ideal for anyone wanting to make a positive difference, whether in the caring professions, in a management or human resources context or just in their own personal lives.This is not a book that gives you instructions. The main aim is to give you food for thought, to support you in thinking through a number or key issues, warning you of pitfalls to avoid and helping you…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 10, 2019
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Customer Care: Get it right

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Customer Care: Get it right

We don’t get a second chance when it comes to first impressions, and yet sadly many organizations pay relatively little attention to how people are greeted when they have their first contact with the organization concerned. If we want to make a positive difference, then it is important that we get off to a good start by giving a positive, welcoming message, letting people know that they are valued and respected. Much of ‘customer care’ is basic communication skills, but there can sometimes be additional challenges involved (for example, where someone is irate or threatening). Of course, however difficult such situations may be, we need to remain focused and respectful – even if we feel very uncomfortable. This will help…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 10, 2019
Homelessness a ‘major issue’ for employers, new figures suggest

Homelessness a ‘major issue’ for employers, new figures suggest

Homelessness is a “major issue'' employers must get to grips with, experts have warned, as government figures revealed that more than a quarter of those who are homeless or facing homelessness are in work. Of 263,720 households in England given support from local authorities because they were homeless or under threat of homelessness in the year to April, some 71,210 (27 per cent) had one or more individuals in work. The figures, from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, also showed that more than half of these households had a member in full-time employment. This equated to 14 per cent of all homeless households. Homelessness is a hugely complex issue, with the majority of cases the result of relationship…
Dr Neil Thompson
October 10, 2019
Black history month

Black history month

When we sat down to discuss the long list of potential themes and issues we could consider as part of this year’s magazine. We soon realised that for some time now since Black History Month started in the UK in 1987, a dedicated feature on the role and contributions of Black Women was long overdue and should be the focus for this year. Hopefully, we have achieved that aim and objective and that, You, the reader and wider public agree as well. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
October 10, 2019