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Study at Master’s level with Neil Thompson!

Study at Master’s level with Neil Thompson!

Introducing the MSc Advanced Practice in the Human Services Neil is delighted to be able to announce the launch of the MSc Advanced Practice in the Human Services at Glyndwr University. The programme is part-time and fully online and based around his published work. Recruiting now for a January start: “Take your knowledge of social well-being issues to the next level with the MSc Advanced Practice in the Human Services programme at Wrexham Glyndwr University”. “This unique, innovative online course is based around the work of the internationally renowned Professor Neil Thompson, who writes, speaks and advises on a range of social well-being issues. Online discussion forums enable students to engage and work with Professor Thompson, as well as other tutors…
Dr Neil Thompson
November 3, 2016
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Be graceful

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Be graceful

‘Grace’ has two main definitions. It can refer to elegance and poise. But it can also mean decency or honour. Both of these aspects can be helpful to us, especially the latter. Let’s consider each in turn. A graceful person, in the first sense, is one who is unruffled, someone who can deal with trials and tribulations without breaking step. This can be a distinct advantage in relating to other people. It can help put them at their ease and help them have confidence in us and what we are trying to do. Having the poise of inner calmness can also work wonders for our blood pressure, our ability to cope with pressure and thus keep stress at bay. It…
Dr Neil Thompson
November 3, 2016
‘Black Lives Matter’ emerges as controversial force in the UK

‘Black Lives Matter’ emerges as controversial force in the UK

LONDON — The British capital was barely stirring when the nine black-rights activists stormed the runway. Just before 5:40 a.m., the protesters used small inflatable dinghies to slip across the marina that surrounds London City Airport on three sides. Once on the tarmac, they chained themselves to a bamboo tripod and unfurled banners reading "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and "CLIMATE CRISIS IS A RACIST CRISIS." It was a controversial and bold statement — with each of the protesters risking a prison sentence — but the stunt stood out for another striking reason. All nine of them were white. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
November 3, 2016
Half of the world’s disabled children are out of school

Half of the world’s disabled children are out of school

At least half of the world's 65 million school-age children with disabilities are kept out of the classroom because little to no money is budgeted for their needs, disability rights groups said in a report ... Light for the World, a charity which supported the research, said stigma and misinformation surrounding disability as well as a lack of data on the numbers of disabled children contributed to the problem. "People don't see them (children with disabilities) as a worthy investment," Nafisa Baboo, adviser for inclusive education at Light for the World, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "Many think for example that there's no point investing in their education as people with disabilities can't work." The rights groups said billions of…
Dr Neil Thompson
November 3, 2016
Potentially useful resources

Potentially useful resources

The National Autistic Society website always has a lot to offer those people on the autistic spectrum, and a whole range of people who support them to live fulfilling lives. As well as news about campaigns and personal experiences, it provides links to resources that anyone connected with people with autism are likely to find helpful. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
November 3, 2016
Free webinar to help you identify and support trafficked children

Free webinar to help you identify and support trafficked children

A free Community Care webinar in November will help social workers ensure they are up to date with legislation, guidance and best practice to protect victims of child trafficking. Swati Pande, assistant manager of the NSPCC Child Trafficking Advice Centre, will lead the one hour webinar on Thursday 17 November and share pointers and case examples to help you address this complex area of practice. The number of children identified as being trafficked into and within the UK is rising – 982 potential victims under the age of 18 were referred to the National Crime Agency in 2015, over double the number referred in 2013. The actual numbers of child and adult trafficking victims may be considerably higher than official…
Dr Neil Thompson
November 3, 2016