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Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – The importance of feedback

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – The importance of feedback

If you are not successful at an interview or a promotion panel you may feel so disappointed that you just want to put it behind you. You may feel too ‘raw’ to ask for constructive feedback, but it is well worth getting past this as that feedback could be extremely helpful in giving you guidance on how to learn from the experience and improve for next time. Without that guidance you may be making the same mistake next time and the time after that, which could be very destructive of your confidence and self-esteem. Learning from feedback is an important part of continuous professional development. Click here to read more  
Dr Neil Thompson
May 27, 2022
Researchers asked older adults about the strategies they use for combatting loneliness. Here’s what they said

Researchers asked older adults about the strategies they use for combatting loneliness. Here’s what they said

In an ever-more connected world, it would be easy to assume that loneliness was on its way out — after all, we now have unlimited opportunity to communicate with almost anyone we want at any time we please. But, in fact, it’s still rife: according to the Campaign To End Loneliness, over nine million people in the UK describe themselves as “always or often lonely”. Age has an impact here, too: an Age UK report suggested that the number of over-50s experiencing loneliness will reach two million by 2025 — a 49% increase from 2016. And with researchers suggesting that loneliness can be seen as a disease that changes the brain’s structure and function, this is a significant public health…
Dr Neil Thompson
May 27, 2022
Seth Godin’s Blog – Possibility is fragile

Seth Godin’s Blog – Possibility is fragile

And that’s the paradox, because the closer possibility gets to reality, the more it engages with the unforgiving edges of the real world. As we begin to imagine something better, it’s important to have some insulation, room to believe and a chance to fill in the missing pieces. But then we have to allow the constraints of reality to intersect with our beautiful new conception. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 27, 2022
Street children are some of the most vulnerable children on the planet

Street children are some of the most vulnerable children on the planet

In everyday speech, people may use lots of different words or terms. ‘Street children’ and ‘homeless children’ or homeless youth  might be used interchangeably, but there are some differences. Not all children who are homeless end up living in the open on the street. Many end up sleeping in very inappropriate but out of sight places – on the floors of friends or strangers, or sleeping in temporary accommodation like hostels. For example, the homeless charity Shelter estimated in 2018 that as many as 9,500 UK children have spent their Christmas in a hostel or other temporary accommodation, often with one family in a single room, sharing bathrooms and kitchens with other residents who they don’t know or trust. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
May 27, 2022