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Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Be Lucky

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Be Lucky

I’ve never given any credence to the idea that you ‘make your own luck’, as if chance in life can be ruled out in some way. But there is a very real sense in which we can affect the luck we have. We can’t stop chance occurrences from happening, but there is much we can do about how such matters affect us. The Ancient Greeks spoke of the constant tension in life between Cosmos (order) and Chaos (disorder). Many things happen along straightforward lines. They are regular, predictable and orderly – natural processes, for example. But that is only half the story. There are also things that happen at random, in unpredictable, disorderly ways ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
March 3, 2016
Everyone should have friends and support – Social care has a role in tackling isolation

Everyone should have friends and support – Social care has a role in tackling isolation

Too many people are lonely. And isolation is very bad for our health and wellbeing. That's according to experts and academics. With the recent John Lewis 'man on the moon' advert, we have also seen the issue achieving ‘cut through’ - as advertisers and pollsters like to say - so now a lot of people are talking about it. There is, thankfully, a growing body of evidence, not just on the nature and prevalence of the issue, but on what to do about it. SCIE’s guide on social isolation is a good place to start if you want to find out more about what works. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
March 3, 2016
Challenging retail companies and what they consider the norm

Challenging retail companies and what they consider the norm

The disability market is worth billions of pounds - and companies are coming up with ever more "disruptive" ways to break into it. Last summer was one of those rare occasions on Dragons' Den when someone pitches, nails the numbers and watches the Dragons try and outbid each other. Then in a twist, the business owner rejected an offer of £70,000 for 35% of the company. The deal collapsed and she walked away with nothing. Ellen Green from Blue Badge Company, which makes stylish accessories for disabled people, forged ahead anyway and now plans to expand internationally. "It started because my friend, who was in her 30s and very stylish, had just received her first blue badge for the car.…
Dr Neil Thompson
March 3, 2016
Poor communities are being taken for a ride by our transport system

Poor communities are being taken for a ride by our transport system

Over the past 20 years, the richest 10% have had their transport subsidised 4 times more than the poorest 10%. And yet it's the poorest who rely on public transport most. The Campaign for Better Transport yesterday reported that Councils throughout the United Kingdom are being left with little option but to slash funding for local buses, and in some cases, to withdraw subsidy altogether. These decisions spell disaster for many communities,  and are contributing to an explosion in levels of transport poverty – something which has repercussions for wider inequality across the UK. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
March 3, 2016