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The Managing Stress Practice Manual

The Managing Stress Practice Manual

Stress is increasingly being recognized as a serious problem in the modern workplace. In this practice manual, Neil Thompson uses his decades of experience of helping people tackle stress to provide a clear and helpful guide to the key issues and lays the foundations for a positive and constructive response to the challenges involved. This is an essential guide for anyone wanting to keep pressures within manageable limits. Available for purchase along with many other books by Neil here or from the Avenue Learning Centre here.
Dr Neil Thompson
July 11, 2019
Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Who is being awkward?

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Who is being awkward?

It is not uncommon for us to find ourselves in situations where we are wondering: ‘Why is so and so being so awkward?’. In such circumstances we tend to focus on their behaviour or attitude, but this can be misleading. That is because the chances are that, while we are thinking they are being awkward, they are probably thinking we are being awkward. So, what can often happen is that a situation that is rooted in a conflict between two parties is not recognized as such by either of them, each putting the difficulties down to the other’s ‘awkward’ behaviour. While some people are often uncooperative for their own reasons, in the majority of cases believing that someone is being…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 11, 2019
Sex and dementia: The intimate minefield of consent in a care home

Sex and dementia: The intimate minefield of consent in a care home

Frank and Mary loved each other’s company. They would sit together and hold hands. Both had dementia and were living in a care home. Their closeness made them happy and their families were delighted. Mary wasn’t bothered when Frank called her by his wife’s name, nor that he began to intervene in her day-to-day life. They were besotted. He started sitting her on his knee, and, after a few drinks, they could be found canoodling in the corner. This is not a fictional scenario. It is a story told by a care home worker that touches on a taboo about dementia and sex. It is now well established that while sexuality and sexual intimacy may change with age – and…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 11, 2019
More disabled people opt for self-employment

More disabled people opt for self-employment

More disabled people than ever before are choosing self-employment, but are being let down by poor support from government, according to new research from IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) and the Community trade union. The study, Making self-employment work for disabled people, claims that 611,000 UK disabled people now work for themselves in their main job. The report also found that although they overwhelmingly see self-employment as a positive way of working, they do not get the support they need from government. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
July 11, 2019
Making a sustainable community: Life in Derwenthorpe, York, 2012–2018

Making a sustainable community: Life in Derwenthorpe, York, 2012–2018

Derwenthorpe is being developed by the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) as an urban extension of more than 500 homes on the outskirts of York, England. This research finds that mainstream housing developers can successfully deliver sustainable homes and communities at scale that produce high-quality living environments. However, different levels of buy-in from residents mean that environmental and social measures need to be built into the model as far as possible from the outset. It recommends that: Greater emphasis on the design, space standards and aesthetics of new developments should be incorporated into Government-level directives. Housing providers must work with resident groups to set up inclusive governance structures to promote the long-term social sustainability of communities. Architects and developers need to ‘build in’…
Dr Neil Thompson
July 11, 2019
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Please click on the relevant link below Facebook page Facebook Social Work Focus group LinkedIn Twitter YouTube channel Neil’s website The humansolutions website Information about Neil’s online learning community, the Avenue Professional Development Programme
Dr Neil Thompson
July 11, 2019