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Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Set Positive Goals

Neil Thompson’s Lesson for Living – Set Positive Goals

A lot of what has been written about goal setting is simplistic and misleading, as if to suggest that if you set goals, somehow your life will be transformed. But, despite this hype, there is much value in setting goals for yourself. This is because it gives you a sense of purpose, something to strive towards and, as such, can be an important source of motivation. However, the goals you choose have to be meaningful and realistic. Meaningful goals relate to things that matter to us, things that are important to us in our lives ... Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 21, 2016
Are you being bullied at work for being LGBTI?

Are you being bullied at work for being LGBTI?

Do you believe that you’re being bullied or discriminated at work because of your sexuality or gender identity? No one should have to put up with such behavior, but what exactly you can do about it depends on where you live and whether laws exist to specifically protect you. We spoke to some experts in the US and UK to find out more. Regardless of where you are based, you’ll hopefully take something from their advice. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 21, 2016
Supporting autism in the workplace

Supporting autism in the workplace

Three years ago, at the age of 45, I was diagnosed as autistic. It made complete sense to me, like being short-sighted all my life and finally getting a pair of glasses! As an active trade unionist - I was on the RMT’s national executive at the time - my response was to begin a drive to raise the trade union movement’s game in fighting for the rights of its autistic members. This was to be an organising response: not simply ‘awareness-raising’, but increasing the capacity of trade unions and their rank-and-file representatives and branches to represent autistic members (and members with caring responsibility for autistic dependents) and to fight for equality in the workplace. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 21, 2016
British ethnic minorities differing views on immigration

British ethnic minorities differing views on immigration

British ethnic minorities differing views on immigration and Europe explored in new report. Race equality think tank the Runnymede Trust launch new report on Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) population's attitudes Ethnic minorities in Britain have very different views on immigration and Europe, according to a new report by the Runnymede Trust. The report (called 'This is Still About Us') uses high-sample surveys and focus groups across several areas to explore BME opinion. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 21, 2016
Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2015

Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2015

Monitoring poverty and social exclusion is a regular, independent assessment of progress in tackling poverty and other types of disadvantage across the United Kingdom. The report, written by the New Policy Institute, uses official data from a range of sources to look at trends and patterns, allowing us to get a better understanding of the contemporary nature of poverty and exclusion. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
January 21, 2016