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Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – You don’t know how I feel

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – You don’t know how I feel

Many people confuse sympathy (sharing the same feelings as someone else) and empathy (being able to recognize someone else’s feelings and being able to respond appropriately, but without necessarily having those feelings ourselves), while others settle for apathy, in a state of semi-burnout. But clearly empathy is what we need to aim for: being able to be supportive of others who are wrestling with emotional issues, but without facing the same emotional challenges ourselves. However, what is very clear is that this is not simply a matter of saying: ‘I know how you feel’. This is a very unhelpful and potentially quite counterproductive way to respond, partly because: (i) we do not know how someone else feels (for example, if…
Dr Neil Thompson
February 13, 2024
Healthy places, prosperous lives

Healthy places, prosperous lives

The UK is getting poorer and sicker, and this trend is not equal across the country. Poorer and sicker areas are getting poorer and sicker the most quickly. To help develop a path forward, IPPR held a series of multi-day deliberative workshops across the country - each exploring people’s understanding of health, its relationship with prosperity, and priorities for change. Based on these priorities, we have developed a new framework: ‘Seven for Seven’ – or seven foundations for seven healthy life years. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
February 13, 2024
5 ways great managers make their teams happier – Without sacrificing productivity

5 ways great managers make their teams happier – Without sacrificing productivity

The workplace is changing. Technological innovations in fields like artificial intelligence are transforming organizations at a breakneck pace. Ongoing economic uncertainty is leading to layoffs and higher workloads. It’s difficult for many workers to keep up. Given increased pressures, it’s not surprising that workplace stress and burnout is on the rise. According to The Economist, 68% of managers and 60% of non-managers reported being burned out in the past 12 months. One-third of U.S. workers say their mental health is getting worse due to long hours, excessive workloads, and other factors, according to a survey from the Conference Board. Click here to read more   
Dr Neil Thompson
February 13, 2024
BAYO welcomes you

BAYO welcomes you

BAYO means 'Joy has found us' in Yoruba and it is a space to find collectives, organisations and services from across the UK -- for the Black community -- to support your mental health and wellbeing, and it is run by The Ubele Initiative. We are continuously adding new organisations to the directory and have a link that you can use to tell us about organisations that have been useful to you that others may like to know about. Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
February 13, 2024