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Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Complain to the right person

Neil Thompson’s Lessons for Living – Complain to the right person

Sadly, it is often the case these days that we feel the need to make a complaint. What is even sadder is that so many organizations seem ill-equipped to respond positively to people’s concerns – and that can lead to considerable ill feeling and an intensification of pressures. What can make such situations even worse is when the complaint is made to someone who cannot do anything about it (and who is perhaps not inclined to pass the concerns on to someone who can). So, whenever you need to make a complaint, make sure that you complain to the person or body that has the power to do something to address the problem. Working out who that is may not…
Dr Neil Thompson
August 16, 2022
We Move – A race equality and migrants rights summit

We Move – A race equality and migrants rights summit

We are living through turbulent times. Emerging from a global pandemic in which ethnic minority communities have disproportionately suffered, over half of ethnic minority children in Britain are currently living in poverty. We are also facing a legislative agenda which poses the most significant and sustained threat to ethnic minority people’s civil rights in recent memory. Ongoing international conflicts mean there is a battle for hearts and minds over the extent to which we support those simply seeking safety. It is not just refugees and migrants that are on the front line, British Muslims continue to be demonised, Jewish communities report an all-time high for antisemitic hate crimes and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities remain ostracised and excluded from almost every section of…
Dr Neil Thompson
August 16, 2022
Seth Godin’s blog – Time and focus and energy

Seth Godin’s blog – Time and focus and energy

Sooner or later, they’re all finite. And the way we allocate our time and emotional energy determines what gets done. If we audited your day in six-minute increments, what would we find? By the clock, how did you actually spend the time given to you (we each get the same 24 hours). How much was spent on work? And the work time, how is it correlated with what creates the value you seek? A question that’s harder to measure, but with far more impact, of the time you allocated, what was your focus and emotional drive spent on? What were the crises and highlights of the last day or week? Click here to read more
Dr Neil Thompson
August 16, 2022
Preventing disability discrimination in the workplace

Preventing disability discrimination in the workplace

Considering that one in five people in the UK report having a disability, employees need to be aware of their legal protections and employers need to ensure they fulfil their duties. Moreover, statistics show that only half (53 per cent) of people with disabilities are employed, compared to 82 per cent of non-disabled people, and addressing disability discrimination in the workplace is a great first step towards tackling the employment gap and the inequality that stems from it. The Equality Act 2010 not only protects those with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace, but also provides a more expansive definition of disabilities than people generally realise. This includes hidden disabilities such as mental health conditions or learning difficulties,…
Dr Neil Thompson
August 16, 2022