Bespoke Survey Services
We are able to use our expertise to work closely with your organisation to design a survey that will help you to investigate whatever aspect of your people management issues that are causing you concern or presenting challenges for you. This could include issues relating to, for example, alcohol and drug misuse; stress; bullying and harassment; sickness absence management; conflict; teamwork; and leadership.
We can also design bespoke training needs surveys. Simplistic, standardised training needs surveys can be very misleading, especially when they neglect the fact that training should be just one source of learning in organisations. Our extensive experience of helping organisations to maximise learning enables us to design surveys tailored specifically to the needs and circumstances of the organisation concerned, taking full account of how learning can and should feature throughout organisational life and not just on training courses.
To find out more about how the Avenue Well-being Survey and/or our bespoke survey development services can help your organisation to maximise its effectiveness or to arrange a free, no-obligation initial consultation, use the Contact Us link on the menu at the top of the page or call us on: 01978 781117. We will be happy to help.